\| 2 . qZ ') BRIEF HISTORY OF BRANT -- GREENOCK WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Begun May 26, 1964 at home of Mrs Ernie Tolton . -- 27 charter members -- slate of officers: ; President -- Mrs Wayne Porter 1st Vice Pres. -- Mrs Tom Dickison 2"° Vice Pres. -- Mrs Geo. Strauss | Sect'y--Treas. --Mrs Cameron Taylor Name chosen as "Brant--Greenock Women's Institute" Over the years the Institute has provided leadership in 4--H Clubs; hosted and | catered at the museum and log cabin in Southampton; attended rallies and conventions; took short courses; and assisted in projects at local and district | levels. Many local educational tours were enjoyed. Fund--raising has been through quilts, suppers, auctions, plant sales. Short Courses and demonstrations were held to educate members. Parties were given for Brucelea Haven residents Donations were made from fundraisers to needy causes in the community. Films and videos have taught us about the lives of people in far--off countries. Educational videos have taught us about health, safety, food, and L' every day livin g. \@ -- Our 10th Anniversary was celebrated at the home of Mrs Ernie Tolton 0 with a pot luck supper. The 20th was celebrated at Brucehaven School with guests from the District and former members. The 25th was held in conjunction with the District Annual in Paisley. The 35°" was celebrated in 1999 by attending Drayton Thea Christmas time has always been special. In later years we have joined with Walkerton Branch and enjoyed a catered Qhfistmas dinner with all its ttimmings. A program of Christmas numbers and music ?md an e?cchange of Christmas cards has been enjoyed. Also in later_ years our Christmas gift exchange has been discontinued in lieu of a donation to the local food bank. Although we are a small group our spirit has not been diminished. | "May we forever mindful be, Of Home and Country and of Thee" |\5;:§5::'.::