PREFACE These poems might never have found their way into a book, if the Kinloss Kairshea Women's Institute had not chosen as their special Centennial project, to have them pub- lished. Those included represent just a number of many verses, which from time to time have been used to add something different to Public Relation events. They are sent out with the hope that they may preserve glimpses of homely scenes and happenings gleaned through the years and serve to glorify the commonplace. m Bl "m Murdean Isobel MacLeod grew up on a l":, . _ ' Kinloss Township farm in bruce County. I I', Ft-i) Cr, _ She attended Grey 0x Public School, I r , , , Lucknow Continuation School and kincar- 3', -.P I dine Model School. She gradvated trom in. "T TP , Stratford Normal and taught Ill various L"irdil, k; 'l E - Ontario schools. She is a graduate1 of tl - a"; " It Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, an alilC ' i.. Eiil% has been active in church and commun- "be Illlll8jtii ity work. She resides in Lucknow. WR Eiltiifiiillr, 's . 'Ill, Having earlier exhibited a flair for writing, her poem: _ reveal a love of Nature, of youth and of animals, coup ed. with an understanding of human problems. They also con- tain a vein of humour that has made them popular.