l W V Il!, ,-.s T'", '1'"9'5 ( ' . '. i'-- .. . _ _'l", l ~Fred___...a' Ji," '"(Gallopx or": 1) 4 '- sii'/WTr:thN'ia- _r-'m . 7 . . V . J. r" ' ,V . . '; .et,,cL"l"F2CcL-" . r a a} ., "t: 1 i, 131551331: ' --. 'r"":', p . e'rarlr'i:':rtii9; 1sCiajjkiJ, _'t)iy_ri',)j('_, _". ..' I. 1 _ Bruce. Grey 'Health' Ceptié- ' i"") . __:_:r:r:,'i_i:.::,_:i,.,,' . 'f. .1 FT ', "_-, P -. _ _ "s,,,.:,.'::,)'."" -f '_ f - (lr" I "r. r",.." '___'-', ! l tipcatdinis, on Thr1rsday,7u'ne 21,0 ' h t "a? _:", _"t,, . Iii T 'itij_:irl)try tle _ . . ". l . I 1 f ) 2t)0Tiphti88t1ryear. _ ' 5 t g r 'lri'r"l' e, _e1/a :k'UrS .- _ f . ,'. i, 1' Beloved mother of Joyce (r,' The {we meeting of the Reid's Jtsti.ry thrtsiisetdtt, iriifrtei)ttstmir 'i, 3 $113} Sign? gag ggisanfg/me _ . i tl' T2N' Niro , . -_t'_- . _-" '.-r-- sr,cGit,s) it,'. r. o] .acovo e! aer, erta, a 'iiffi't1fll'i,'f] ffi'e,'iiegti,t,l,t,i was "ttwards to we rst0tieritrt Whhihfwe' ' ' Richard (Pia) Jacob of Red Water,' ; i '((-'i'iiiii',. ,1rtii1ilttl,t,igiiilii,(1,; _ 22 members 1i,1epitel .the'mostprogressdunng " o.' Alberta' and Stephen (Colleen) of. _ 3 g1: ' . I?" ce. . f ', the re ah the Ripley Grade , I Kincafdine. Cherished grand- ' g 'CL. I/ice pres1dent,.Bermce ' grabatioriorLhine2,'h I " 3 mether of _ Din - Gre'enawayf 1 til)),!.?!,,?,:,?..), .tileir,td the meeting 1tt. Che of our new, Christine ( ' .1."de sister of Eric Gallop and A i', {implem'Brenda Ramsda'l'ef was, 11 7hylttis leaving thtsareaip' July _ F .rsisteruinciiwrovt ChriitintAiltloji '5 E I,..)",]-,'!),,!!,.!?,!.:).?)':"., 'fjrt)'ts Qpenedjgvrth a; and moving . to, _ (Cobourg, . lebo'th of England ieeiieceasediy a 1 'i'!ri-").-j'cili'ii"-iict,1,'-)",itl',-', 'il-lc',-,'-] lgi'gllowed by the @de and "Christine has been amilling; 3 1 grandson, Brian thetinaivay and i. ', t [£7110an 1iiiias " ."s "t, . member tor , "timber '°f-Y¢ars,- _," siiter-itr)aw Cath Ga110p.__~. Sadly f i _,,-:":.':":"'::':".""'),',,,)! -ilr11C"' '?L0c, c'..',';'" answered bylall ... ati1wflr,tityttit1yyynissitt-il Best ': _," missed"-. by " her nieces, and ' .t..1;vvl.etll.1y.d:yg§(1'11:inusecé In their ofltt/fittft1it . Thighhgh l. t "nephewsh- .,'"' l" I' . f g , ". 'rt-r: r' g. iomewere . ' ns IO :~gave- . . ts? _ yt.""-- sa" .t a"r. . . j 1: /iiixits,hran,flaxand wheat.' '. "of . the District" Annual; ~he1ciaint§2122galljc$réfichvgi£§ _, ', Anne Boyd; Agriculture and niéntipnimrthat the Cargilrr 12de'ssiah t. kinegriiiiie .' ' on . 1 Canadian Industries convenor, branch has members ranging" (i'iii'i"riiii7, dune 28' at iiiiiridi ", @pened her program witlrthe funteeruers to 99years young,, j With Rev, Rob 'ri"i'ilxiirifiiiiltii1iii'. ",'; , 'f'_'The Farmers Creed", then There were/over' 900 Grade tr. ( Interment, Church "U. iii7riiiiiifri , introduced her guest speaker', ' 1 youngsters Who. attendiW.thec, Memorial Garden 1 7 ',' 'lil11tsnr.Lowra'i, of Lowry Grain Roots of Bruce. program. This : _. Memorial donationsto the" i 1elevators which are situated on _ program it to give insight into the (An liCan" Church of the Messiah 1 . l 'tttyep-_/em/tttflirt-dine,.,, . , 1tticu1turéhusipessi,'itrB1iuée; " thegCanadian ii.ifii'iir.i'ii'iiii'iirirr" i. .rJnltin told tof, the history of the County. . . : F . 1' charity of your chifictrnyou1tfbe ~f _ elevators, Wthh were first started T Also, Doris reported that the I . a ieciated as ex mission of s L. , ; ~in1989§with additions in 1998 ~~winner-of the Bruce county JI/ir; _" . p ym land 1992, at which time they also Womens' Institute Scholarship is Arrangements entrusted to the f Jotxie?t incorporated They Pie: Jocelyn 9mm daughftcr'of Ian eDavey-Linklater Funeral Home, . i, condition and store grains'for and Elaine; who farm In the 7li'h Princes Street Kincardine ' f- rum sale . ' Ripley area. This tiwiid, .e5i,t1.t. , ON, N2T175, 519-396-2701. 1| .. Th,eytiow have the capacrty to student who is furthering their", - ' Portrait and memorial online at ":, stere- 650,000 bushels of grain. education and resides in. Bruce ' _ www dairisy1ink1hterfimeramonie c ' ; _'.rI':he1=e,are many rules/and ,County. fit,1ggetttti?e2t,i1?g1i' uo'm, .: r' 'r.., ' . 5 "ttyd lations which have to be Theréistto meetingin ; y,". ut . t l _ l ' 1 1.: -,l. . . : 'adhlelred to, many different' 3 the AuguSt meetingis onthe 17th _ I 15:13:33 Iadlt 1.211111%? tli ail: l _ varieties of grains which go to at 2 pm. at the home of Sharon ' domestic 'servi e' from 14 ears of il, t "rs /diiilisrentmadtetri,Theretmr. CodrtneyThisis'to be.ateawithl" , w . ,9 . 1. , cr, :, L ' 'lst.))-!-",,,',-,'.:,'-:,!-'-, . of _ ' T .. .' 1 1 . age up untoher entry into the i r- tiite Lowry brothers. involved. tllie.co.1.1ectiton to go tq the ' AmietrFoices during World War" ; whim: businesis,'th.eyjTrt five. aNtl1f1per's Society, So come -.ir. Freda Was married on Jan 22." , i 1..:§3111-eeinployecs and five' part , 41.1%qu us and bring along. a: . fsuriiiviiiiiifiiiiU."iiiii'iiiil i meandnt IS trvery busy year mend l . ed 'th . din 1 ' beforpimrpigrating to Canada in i mmePCmOn . Bermcecos' '$Rr' are? Tg _ 5 April of 1956 coming to the . J JWen wt'isi,manked by Sheila and Grace, then-111W Sharon 1 Kincardine"area in that fall. She l E' Murray andllpresentedi with a 1 'fit,eitiriyit,fil',fi1,i,tt. 62111111) big ' . was anactive 1pttphtt in van" ious i tokenofannmalon . .p _ttr1resi.'N. f81cPuf_ un 1liwll __ l or am. y. 'r-tk,' . . -3.. "c . . / irstararriitiintrijfMy)r8st?.uy'.'.o, _ "My Closmg Thought - Adlet . f miiirtiti MH cIuEs ti: Matthews , 5 Diwussianir1tsgardirrg (the bits, 1319* Eat,a 9119?"? bar hm". 1'15" gli'dan" iiiiiiiiiiifi'itt urch Kingarf Chtirch ' , trip on Sept. 16:to Q13 quilt show itttel1t.t1tatrit ivil1ts?t)he "3%?" . '/otirki'ssiail 'iiiriUiiiiift'Crii"iiiiiiii '1 inToronto were held: There artr? "5tto,ut 'appetlte. and you ""11 eat - ', Church'synod 'Bruce. ".ciyii,is,i,t,ry, .', _ few tickets lift so if you ate less. Sounds like. a good diet to ' i,. I-hstgmca'l'S'deieiyafidecardme f (,:11,i'_iTtdiiisiiti- In her family,- reading, g ,.i." yawning» arardisitiitti-ratkt: the , T "Anglican fChurclrrSht enjoyed ' 1 ' '.' sending'andreceiving 1fotes and 'r-' I cards as well asrta1)rihg, joking ;and, reminiscing With family and , friends. A family friend, Stu -r , Russell, recalls Freda: as making E ; 1 the best meatloaf sandwiches and g feediremor'p hungry teenagers wthan'Shehadf-athomce .- --- .