'M Itti8eramTt"'gWisi,si,C,i3Ct'l't',': " 'iitiN = MI . ' . ' tt Mt "an 5 " ' . " 'iN " ' . - I -'?"--'M$""\"3§;3\'%':sr w. _ I ' t A? ""1! 2 _ltall " ' " "q - 3' a," " " ld iiiiiBiilMisrM EE? 73.:j'381vh 'tIii-ir/att" ";"ir_'cSatliill8lt r a»; 'lll,lNIiirl, I irillt-Nii'cliMl, I rfiwvi,' m , , 5. EV 3 I " 'IE' N' I in. MSM! a; . 33'3"?" _)'i:s%1lilBiN l" "Ei, - l Eff llll , 1;; ral? E§';f--"";r'i git t? ' it ite,lllllllt'ii.' V "Crisps,?,),:',,!,," MiiilU18t SEN ' Td I , " It": ' N H iFL'E'g-Eaav' sfiss'kejs's . 'iiiii"s'a I , M MI Bl' 'll g . , Ari??? t"... 5 IlllglllR8llfaiillkii' - Ittitiiitrsr?,cs'l, . Fit] g " '3'" ' ' audit Ft ME l 3 lliirii I'lg 'Gialil , iii,?,,,,,.,"'-":"::')':;)":"', 'z.' Esra ; iili r . ha!- - 'tvol l I It! 3 iii - . . e . YER}? WAR? , Err5 "M . ' Ill' i r . . . = , " © BK " . l _ 2l li Tp as 1 l y. "c: _. R , , _ ' s' mi." _"M k wt. ' 1 , 'jMii is": V , is?" it"; q E aB" ' r f I - ("3: r ' '1 r, EIT, WI . 'i, t IEE _ 1: . Rge,irs'av'r I, 5'cTit e , " us ., gift-55"" 37.47:, . ' ME,-"," ; 3:, _, - . "ti" ~' a . _ '3'? 3 @5395. P. '.ef, a @ 5,?! v f le?eehTCa" " Ir, 1 ' rl,jiis't'iii,ii'i I 5%?!" tt / a" _ ... 'i, ' Chesley Kinettes Susan Godin (left) and Jacqui Knipfel were winners at the Kinette's District 1 ' convention in London on the Victoria Day weekend. Jacqui won the Joke Off award and Susan I _ was named Rookie Kinette (lithe Year, W "' - - -ev KV'Q'WQ'F}'§€%§% - , - Iff-iii' . _,itr,,riici_ie' Lots o aw ar S or Lee Ann Hampton i'; «a rs - 'tii'?,?: 363% ti:jit?s'f:,r),'rh'i, ir, Le' 7MtR 'iMr,'re5':"f,,y,'i'rj,'1t T Iltliill Biti ' M ll Illl.llllllI -. (irj 3 . 5 Ch l P bli S h l ' . , 3 't'iC- s) 'iir, _ 'is'i.i'i'i1ii'i_ji-'-l .1 _tyii9f,ii_fs,'i'i,jt, at es ey ll 1C C oo graduation . C _" 'iii,'i'taq tbe"ir-,:'fr', __ _ _ :1 , _ _'itillit', '"f tii','-!,',)'):'::):.":'),',:,').'--,,, by Mary Golem reflected on the class' years at CPS most improved student, Amy, _ 5 " siiitill 923, 5; T ,. a, g a I "'3 mi," _ 'ir-. 'ii'ii(ilsiiit5s), Lee Ann Hampton was a big award and offered words of wisdom to the Pendergast and citizenship, Michelle li" ttttist 15t'i' 'r'U, Q , V a?, , ':/Lrira.F, tc'l1: _:ririi)icrji'iiir'ii:ifc,4iii': winner at the 39th annual Chesley graduates. Thome. 1 $3 I _)iji_'ir'xi1?s:i,t' . "t f w', 'iilt8a wg3j,,ej18§239jPliblic School grade eight, graduation Winners of the various awards Graduating from grade eight at; "31.3523 ' V ,1.'§ '8"8j,iril 4wx¥é and awards banquet Wednesday, June included Lee Ann Hampton, English, Chesley Public School this year were I "rSiiii'ij'iistji,?'d t)i:,_,'ii?sii(ijri M j". iiiiiiit 'r, '."-;:5 53,32? _riy'iiiirj:, 22'. . History, Geography, Art, Grade 8 Curtis Taylor, Andrew Nafziger. (i1i'i)iiatiitt3i, 'r,':d'ili't"i:? I "W,sltii'ir/f,r;b'i)'silal [td I '6h"i'sir'ii'i'j)Ci"i','istitl: "i'i 'itfe, Following dinner for the graduates, General Proficiency and Best All Cory MacDonald, Shaun Morgans, 'diim :ifiggaig} 'i'ital ef, 9.72.. Egg§§i$§ f; ;*their teachers and parents at the Round Student awards; Music, Jeremy Hamel, James Kingston, iahigi,iit,_iiiiiiiMt lrka' iiiiiiiiti,'(i'i,itC'i'l'i.?ir irt,'s':i-Mt"iil I wChesley Legion Hall, the awards por- Angela Summers; Math, Rob Corey Specht, Robbie Hodgson, 'iili.iiirli?, _ii?,,?4,,r,gllg, 1Mh"ii, 'iecfiik:tlir'attlt""gEt'"t w)a':)i'iii,i;jfdltitojt of the program took place in the Hodgson; Design and Technology, Tanner Tibbo, Angela Summers, eg%¢f%mflby£*"3 imagina'jj s5jjf,(; lir:i-'i,,)i','iiiii'i':. school auditorium. Cory MacDonald; Family Studies, Jackie Stark, Jennifer O'Leary, Lee 'a'atetih'j'etrMl" BglrtMti! my?!" "f' M 'iKi""'cii) 51 ,',iiiiiiii'i?i; yot only did she win six of the Amy Pendergast; Chesley Public Ann Hampton, Michelle Thorne, Iti%rd-M'iMiNi, 3,) I I 'h,i::rse,f,iiiji9,:',tr & _ BN Cffa awards, Lee Ann Hampton was also School Spirit award, Cory JenniferCexoper, Amy Pendergast and " - 3: p at B, _-ri;s4iti:,'iiiiaf'i'i' ir"t1fi'tii'i'i,yl,i'cii class valtxiictorian. q MacDonald, Science, Andrew Jason Zehr. " E :; ' t)'iCd,ii'sfd"g'ffifr4 te, li't'ii, ; Guest speakers for the evening Nafiiger; French, Cory MacDonald; , Wu; Rt $3 43 «I I? [iiii;i'ii,il,ri't Frank and Dianne Sharp, who Physical Education, Michelle Thorne: . RMii 1 MRgr8E - . 'rails";:',:):;:';, Anna Hove o S e V ', a .. llMiiirglN . . IlrillR'iil , Mall iiir 'tlgll" . , 'gl ' - T Anna Maria (Kaufman) children and great-great grandchil- C IEE, - 3'5 5 , j _ I " Povelofskie of Chesley passed away dren and brothers, "giidilgt1i Louis _ 2atlBl 5 A, ', " I 5 x on the Chesley and District Memorial Kaufman, both ofChesky; $dasir i"; Ill? "r.' il" " ' Erj,'i"ii'iri,, . . . 'Hospital on Sunday, June 12, 1994,in ter, Minnie, Mrs. Fred Butler of ,1, q II' Ill " illii1 , . r ':é'rii'i. - "IRI her99thyear. Strathroy. M. .-1AE{Y . Bl Ill ' . I it Ml5d ' Yi':' . tri-i,?,,, ~ " I " Beloved wife of the late William Wed by 'iga,s,P,ggt Gmss .. " 3 3 FT ' £32225, 'iiirii ' i1t,rti:'iiifj,N_:,,, , Tt F. Povelofskie and dear mother of and Alvena P)iebeagh9ggs, John, _ Mitt1 ,. ttt V ff, W%'i?KY " ' - Mrs. Florence Mervyn of Owen Conrad andGeosge.so, m . Cub leaders Bob Walpole and Ralph Thompson congratulate Sound; Orral, Mrs. Joe Charlton of Friends were, wteiyp,4 at the Cub Jon McCready on achieving all the requirements neees- Smithville; Elda, Mrs. Robert tiykt-Mcr'fddenfipjiii0orne in 3 sary for the fave-star award, the highest award in Cubs. The Harrison of Chesley; Edna at home; Chesley whertrtlteggiiois.il service ', plaque presentation was made to Jon at a year-end Scout, Cub Mar. te.,"id1dt,tg11i f,,', pi/te tNI new?" his 14, 1994 i and Beaver Plcmc In Chesley Thursday night. of Owen Sound; Agnes, Mrs. Bev Interment in: the. Chesley Byers of Tara; Wilson and Lyle, both Cemetery. of RR 1 Desborb. ' rr Serving as pallbearers were giand.. ': Ptedeceased by a son, Elmer. sons, Tim Poveloiykie, Bud Meivyn , ' I She will be sadly missed by 61 Ernest Krajcir, Jason Miles, Dale 'grandchildren and 125 great-grand- Macdonald and Harold Charlton. _