View". - --_= ., .. -. i at l _ _ t , - Bll, fi' = in " E __ r " . TN ,_:. CM" 17 MN ' - . " Ro "'2:- _ I Kia - a Qt" IEi"iiiii I is: , itil , iilil g _ , aw, Eiiill ,'(t'% u' 2 'riciBfvi" ' ' 'tiM' " - i'j, E q 41 q , = n ' N _ 's' ti is . . Fg " ' . . ' V 2'»- a ik ' rfil 'tlg t'isss1 E i} 3 $2? Ell Itll , z, LA ii,' , l E,rirh,):jltr,',,i,i1i' ii , . [il 1:332" I tb E , L, f © Cd " E il , 2 f c'. B2' ti] b'g k , T i x' SE " _ * , - . , a - . FU , T " 2t ' IlNi1 , 3% a: 2 $lB5,%h" ifti, BN * .., - 'gi'g2"i'r?iftsisa , . a , " :sfl.' Iiii'aiti),i:iii'i'isls-rgl W, 'i,'j's'l8Ei!yetevle i& Mem Bri-tiii,", itv,,Nl,lllllMlllNI . Serving on the executive of Branch 144 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Chesley are (back _ . \ row (left to right) Morrell Schwartz, executive member; Ed Golden, Deputy Zone I Commander; Wayne Wright, executive member; Doug Gaeler, executive member; Zone Commander Ben Devlin; Les Christie, treasurer and Ren Slumskie, Sgt-At-Arms. In the front are-Marie Christie, secretary; Margaret Lamon, president; Dennis Kerr, padre and first vice- president and Jim Boynton, second vice-president. ' Absent when the photo was taken was Rick Denomy. _ ' I Ea, 2 , a 32. , . Fd £30; '5i'jij7d?, A: fsriiiitir'il4, ttt?i.iii' M iii), a F I a?" v itit,_i,ol'ii1r et/ , "ts-$2 Eric"", ':'is'3?,ae IS. . . ' its ,1 , '-t,sa . --r,". " 'iU w IN , It ij% L18 L) "s, ~,, Ci,] h' TtBl " p.sirl _ pa Ct ' l = , . " _ my. 2 " ' . . " r _ i E'i sri,') , F,ay:5;t': 7arN tt [l?.,, '7 , Fl ' a}? , (,3 dEiWA - ' 'rtrit:farpiiifatcti _ .22 ",tia' ' 3"»523. i a f & m a r g 2 t . , p, "' C5 - Y 3 Ci4 my, ' . 'Fi'")' 'id' s5iii? . (é " F. g '39 a. 'tl P. "y' I i ir'iLi'iir F K," . 2-3312" .. T 'ij'ifrgiipfiprra; is", Wsilir:iri5sa Kfi'igtm ",'p-. I, , '32s, (iff, ' ' j T T fr' F '"ca 'y'jis's'ii'a E?,),)':)::')-' c:', i, «We "yi,? E. _ i, 5%! Er] iT,/ilr,'rl5 3' M); 'i: M - , . ME f s 'ir::u":,ii'at _ T . . " x _ - ', Fj'irr'a . I V T4, r' '.i'-2 -" K, ,2 IMigirm8t 'aMEa - " © . "it ' _ 2 , rEF:fr?Jre,a' 'PrrrNNTt $65k)! Pgior1.Ladifs' Auxiliary's 1994-95 slate of officers was installed at the Auxiliary 's _ E,Kay 1994. meeting. .Executiv.e members include: (back row - left to right) Evelyn Hutton and . ay Vancise, executive members; Marg Lamon, sports officer; (the late) Isobel Klodt, Sgtiat- LhArm s; Blanche _M1skie and Mary Anne Hahn, executive members; Carol Jarvis, treasurer? 'In ' ' ' ebsecond row IS heat Foster, chaplain and in the front are Mary Crerar, second vice-president; It y Gaeler, president; Zone Commander Irene Surridge and Cindy Lewis, first vice-presi- _ i 'td; Absent when the photo was taken were Mae Smith, secretary and Alma Tinker, past pres- , n ,,_ . _ , A La-- l, 2 f _--____--"