'iijifiiii', _ _ ,', z; 5;}; _ 1'r)yj:ccrive; ,-', _ V ' - RI _fr',?)s2c, '-rjrR8irMgiiN BE , we.» "iaF,itSgj%r'ti'ij:': 'r'itjejC:i':is'i?ipi)j:r,ft :l4!:jffijs);i's "jedjjjitifir: ri.,:'.:-. '/cC,:ipJjflfi', ',i),if':(s ~--§~...' . C, i. . 't - t q x222§T"§2~</; \J 2 I 'si/ue)',')',':,-':,';: Fi). gun": s':--. :23..- is - ' - .- srifr,iraMm&':,1':rrft's."aggiWe" '1'rfg'?iC, _fr's))i,ritj:'cit?ifgf; 1.3.: ' jp,iitirj_s?jj':'Sfriy, _ '. . ,e, 2 c'yrTC"-" :3? _ rr:.: . _ Wt? EN . " '/,r,ijf:si'NPMvWkif;vicit%Ni- swig/3&1 'itiih',Cici'brfiijrr "-'='-."" q T fj:1il trde'i, R F . k 'rSra ', 2- I-titiiW',jf%8M N MMte /s.J:re"i'i, 4"." «""gvsg'": "):C'yfiijji'i, rky,cy-s- /:""'< s,,Fi'c'.illllltillMilill, " s 'fa. _ <2..." - T a 'i'itF'rr:") j:':' s.; 2.1% 2* " 1: T Fr/ J. 2'32 _ - iii UN , MMIII rtjji/ici'j'ij)ifi, l -s's'atlkC,'j'j:,:iiii,'1'if; / V * 'i'a1 . " 3% " "ir-sri', 'ja- i; "ire-, 'f, .. g8lEi8t8Fs','s?,l;'riii:'iiir,i'i'e.'ir', 'd Ilimliill s?'/s:iiiCijfjI'C:r, .' ' Ill' . 'r,,5N fig" a»; 'rpeF(s. "CRmt?r,r,) "i)' 'jjti?:ji'j:' 32": _ St timmW' , ,5.;~_-.;--..; " . F. 2el'h' Tib' = l l V VV 24 Mh . . . » "ifikt9, 3-,- , y' - N . - TFG' »,; T Wi? "5:229 .'-:;"':=.- 1:36 EN .:;'.;\'3: 23/532 5"lia'"icrriiiii'a- _rfy:'rCii)j,), $222": "ei/ici' V 2 "2.3% _ __ "33'9" 'gE%'r'c'rr,si1sN%t'aml' " ":?;irrjjj,is,ei; ' - " " - " aMNlmtoCsis'i,'irii('rjjs)lii,ijsl" I 1lEF,g"i)i,cfi:isTvaN - _":f'-', 'rii'sig2 " " t BlitNig lit . " : fit - E' RNtrii& 'J.%ta' _ tam --::._ ';;,'li?l,?tt%ca1 vim: -r . 1 - SlBMEl= 3, . -s'cm'f,Ci:yt "lWiiiiir'rialmWii)fifst tEh T - Bt ' m - was 5.4- 9...: e 'dgSi* ' Nt8t 3.33"},v - - 3.. 'StMBrt '?Mgg - . 2.. 3.5". 'aWr;?siy,f2,iiligN . MRM F'cT4 "'3". © im'i'§§'/ iN -RW); " R,ei%N ' ' - .3'\&§__21'\.3535':A.,:,;'\:- :3 . , - «222 'aalR8Kvtlltir8, ',fi,2' I g ',:is,8miNilhr:,iisig, ' Blrj1iir9i??,alllilll w - . '°;*€'1':? q _ "tPfi'fe',Wr, 'st'ifr2ii(::,",rry . .'r'_ ".rCTe ' .. 2 7 s)"?'?-.?-)?,;,)?,".?)')'?,':))":'.?:')'..' , ' " ' wt, ' RMj%5?EMrWM iF. 'ttt - a ""22""" : - sirens: " g - ' :.;;2:;:.2m l " 'tlim ...,1=3'is;f€-;.i»'i'.' Ct,ir,)/jj':jjr":'i, 1' 2:52-13, - I ,'32: 42'2". Eg-Sai-i?,,?';,'-.?,',?::, 2 , "2% ' - , - ' 'altar, tjE,:r:)iesr)i,f:'e)i:'i':ijfi0, " - W'~'$ 2,; w" E,NF,gitti'ii)(:jj: If). 'ri')iciiifat , ' t ' "2.2 it 54.3.":"355'QE'355233'3,.;:.=s<53'15=.s7-" - -' 'hit' qcg Ei:t'iijvt'ijs'igc: - _ _ Br-tski:??.'::'" > . - '%Uititsjj:jft tiffa?, .. . - - m... . K"?ii8?ir'i?i?,ye?yptit iliiN " 'tijt',?";":-':':.::?;))-?,?',,",;.':;:;';,":'-.-':"',; _ M8ttBmtt'iit'a" RW28i, 2.25:: e" ' . - ' q Ei),it'iii'iiejjii?i'r':ia- - - miRt,WstMt,K ' = ' 1452:4212. e " MtiWb'iegti'iitjs"i:, ':tril ' » es: ' . ' b?. ' 2. Thai alglm, ftoo many cooks" in this modern city kitchen. They each enjoyed preparing some part l __ - - - or it 2 Mt' B81it Indian meal. The distinguished "cooks" are, left to right: Mrs. Knmeswaremmn Kuup- i N _ , tlNMh' Begum Amin-ud-Din, Pakistan; Mrs. Matilda Greiss, Egypt; Dr. Krishnuhni Nimbkar . of £110 Baiarisr2i' Hussein Malik " Pakistan. In the background left, Miss Anna P. Eewiss Director I w.F, O qt, " d Maud M. Kerr, Women's Editor, Family Herald and Weekly Star. V l W l' .YE'e'r: 'mSni 'nl) hi Ni '. _), .ygar _ n pwe n veryt Ling we, _ I YES? eqMryth 'nice went into gather and seasoned with nutmeg. 2 2 _ die dioxin; cthe moist delec- By Maud M. Kerr It was delicious. A tame rme'it, if ' -our good for. lines in the kitchen -- Indian and Guests who partici'nated in the _- _ 222 f . tune to iiiorei n the A CW.W Pakistani worked smoothly side fun and'enwyed the Indian .fcod _ ., ..i g ' ' . . by side -- nor was there any tuss included Lady Coomaraswahis ,.;;, m, - _ v Conferencg m kronto. The place as these distinguished hostesses LadyEvelyn de Soysa, and Mrs. F. - the litime fit Mrs. John c. from Pakistan and India answered B. De Mel, all of Ceylon; Mrs. 1,; _. A -ece W; ___, -. - ., - _ "9haekletop" in" North Toronto, question after question while. Raymond Sayre, Ackworth, Ohio; sister of Anna T'. Lewis, director serenely chopping vegetables or Mrs. J. R. Futcher, St. Thomas, 3 _01 9ntarii-Womith's Institutes. The marinating chiCKen - or whipping Ontario. Mrs. J. E. Houck, Bvamb- I --v _ _ _ cooks - w group of Eastern der. up the delicious dessert. Saris were ton, Ont.', Miss Frances MacKay, a egates,to the "uNrnatiorurrConrer.. covered with kitchen aprons - Winnipeg, Marc; _MI'SHElg'm Hast- , _ V: __ _ _ ence who wantef'to return a little and there was much laughter as ings, Torrott9;cMitrsA?nnits Land- 1 ot the hospitaliy which they ex- the ladies demonstrated their cuJi- rum, So. Carolina; .Mlis Anna P. 1 2. ___ -e .2 2 ___ .. .. gigigiy,1 _duri their sojourn in nary arts. 7 t", _ Lewis,-and Miss Maiirames, Te. ana a. 'si?;';",:'-'-";";, the cooks, M . e a etit- , ere b in ronto and myself. C _ - . who in their lovely saris adapted whesgzihgid £5553 RBi mad: li John Shackleton voted the meal tlyeryy,iiso easily to a city kit.. to what was the 2w or a a great success . - - - . chen 'r.nhi1ihn felectric stove that - or the predom , " I ice. 'all ===re'.e'te"=e==dheer=--.-=---- _ they might have been doing it all haven't got the ies ll "--- _ _ - _ _ -_- - ..; _ 3 3 their 1tvtAia-- and forirtilrytie but I did manage if"? :a men V 'Ili',',',',',"' 1tl.is1yuy1tt film: their note of the "goings F in the "' : . _ _ ___ ,, - - - ' _ ___ theirs :ut'lof the asm -rawn chen. our: ydiPl, served butte "king we m"'1'.";'.;:3,§-'1 a of style, included cu'rried chicken on " _ 3 _-- __. __ _"' - --ee W- . __ - _ 1 3 an meal alw, "is"; MEon. rice with pttNrpotatoes cooked Inf l ',2,e, guests turnett " . "in- dian stylbe. eggplant sauted it? , tths gibl'gé'rishna 8llllllN so spiced better, 3 delicious salad or" ' .___ _-__-- -ee _ __ -_ "_-" _-'" TeV "i' __ __ - - PhYSICIan 8 social Mtagra iler cucumber, tomatoes and grated" " India: Mrs. Knm Nhtrl ma peanuts,'-seasoned with on _ q "t-T - - _ - _ --- l 'p'r1etl1grtie,'pr,'i ot, Mysore, vice- mustard seed. Idem-boiled e en of: ie iaWomen's cooked in a tomato puree,were .. "VV---- - q _ V -_ - _"__ _"_" ..; .. I 'oel'lls"r)'ltcf/lt,it)ltigistat Monk. ceptionally tasty. There 12ttt daughter of Pakistan's Governor..' thick. sauiee--sorpethiag like brWist -__---tr- - __ _ "___ ---- -"-V "__.; ___ - ___ General and secretary-general at sauee-ahighiy seasoned, based on" the All Pakistan Women's Associa... 1xearn-ut-wheat, which the iaait _ qit .. - _ - _ _ _ ., tion, and Begum Mi-an Amin-uk-" women said was used 'i1,'"gi',isv.tt, i Dmgwile ot the Govennor of the in their country to eke ouf,Lt?P' _ ,...;;;...... _ Puplab- Mrs. Mati1da,Greiss, a rice. The rich dessert of-algiysst ' -__ _ - _ Cairo economist and outstanding liquid consistency was maid?" 6f _ _ I social worker also had a finger in cottage cheese, powdered tnt.] "-"------, ..;;_ __-.. _-_-_"--- _ ---------'r' ", 3 the pie. There, were no b.oundary and, a little cream, all Whipped" o-' l ---"--"--7a-rrir---"-------'-'"--"--- i l i _ " --eerw--r----_"e- - V V i . _ rc' Ji ' . . _ K T _ - J ..__.... .. ..n " ,3. eie--m_-u-ie---"- 3 N