. ' I ' . 'tist" fr. . ' I" ' " - ii-Ili-m""""" 2rty'iWJE . "M. "ihe t.'gipric,i'iri", ireisesdsy,"seseeattter 23. 1931, Pig: s 5 I - , it' - I- - ill-lr-lil-lt" M A, T ' ' titute ' ) " - Blil I , lil-l-l-il" 1'ount' Hope W Omen S Ins /c . - , I " . " . "ill-ill-ill By "lawman d _ was alien try Molly Jae: ( ' - - _ ' - e . ' I I I - - - Ptyont Hops Wmen'sin- 'llli,d""de/r,r 225:"{SJ quot Fall Fair "hm" wil! ' I ' ' - " q " ' 55mm" met for a cortstt minutes and treasurttr's be set up by Delorse Bmit ' ; _ _ ' ' ' ; ' " , " - . . . Drank al Mount Hope United report. August meating was and Mildred Mlach. " was ' - - tl - 1 t - a: " " IIB- _ Church on September 3. held aSamtlmtrroastatAr- decided lo annals $100 to ' - " ' , - ' It " " , - .Prasidanl Molly Jacques ran Lake. Report 0! the the Mounl Htsptt, United _ - 1 1 1 1 " ' - ' . - . . conducted the business, District Directors' Meeting Church. The next fl-H Full]. . - - sep, 3.; ; = _ _ .ee - aiik - ... - . - - . A Taste of Ontario Fruits 5 . mit2?J?itj'i?u1',7, _ " V , . " - ' - - - IMi8B- , - . and Vegetables. wlll be 5 .- Bg 'trafj,1ijjijf - - - 1 - I q "Iii" '12... " " - ' sponsored, and leaderswlll '"im'l1x.tA'i'ii'-y'd'1 1 _ _ ' ti ' 'l-iN, - - ' q - - " ' be Linda Middleton and - ' - BaBl'lititr2"g I . I. ' , .. $115.33.; - _ . . - ' Marlene Mankman. Rally 'lliig ' '2'"; . I ' - 'elm' 'ii/les', aiill ' . I - . I delegates are Joyce Ham. . I' , . ' - - ; - . . " _ ' -.3 - v- . mall and Mildred Mlsch. ' 519" 12"} 3 , , . - ' , FCC ""4473"? - " Marlene Monkrnan wlll be " .u,, - " T ' ' ' 1 'am ' the delegate to the area ' q ' ', 'ib, . Rm ' - 3 ' ' s'g' B convention. Joyce Hammsll 5 - sts' MN = ag, My _ 'ai wr ' stsrvttdatittlirMus snack. . t?t 'caE up ; _ V - P. 5 On September 10 the A ut' "8E h , At _ , . '. ' laditsstravellmttiyPort Elgin v: " .rl. ",4 . . 1 3 . j B" t to vlew the excellenl doll _ I F I M. B, , r tal I i' g x gallectlon of Grace Reany, "-' .N . ' - * = n - - by 51.4.? " . ". race gave a history of . E! 3 ilil _' " Fa' IilllrN I Ill X. -tia L 'Ar F5 r" 22 le, told how she ___ __1: 3..., ' " t - . 5 - . . A; ea . .04" 3,, . _ ,_ as er very own dolls. . 33-... tau-aw. Eiiiarss L, - _ :1- "___ tfprg,gg, talented artist, 2-3.1??? 9f't_tu'i'? 'or,r" ",. l. . (ji" 'rftTa'tWaTyjl"gTNM% 'ARM, 'r'd'lt'c5"/1"r'c'let $1222 The 4-H Sliver Spurs Horse Club held thelrannual Banquet and Awards night and the ladies returned tr October 23 at the Tara-Arran Community Centre. From left to rlght are Amy "gram? where Mildred Harrison, 9, Greg Stewart, 10, Mary-Jo Terminiz It, Ben WIlson, to, and Eda 'r'ufll'gtlyd,'g,? serv. Laura Tedtord, 9. Tracey Ward, 12, was also at the banquet but had to leave . early. Chris Moulton, 11, was ill Friday and could not attend the Banquet. The club mumber with the highest aggregate score during the year for all work done was Mary-Jo Tedtord. The Must Outstanding Member was Laura.Ted- ford, and the member with the Best Record Book was Mary-Jo Tadtord. / 3 7 C ' . ' v , W . W _ pf" _ I . ' _ l . . __ .. - ' xii, _" T _ - _ " J _ In. _ "', ' . ', I ' I TS "s.. a _', 5 ".137, LC,'] . . r . ll. Three runners at Arran-Tara Elementary School recelvod medalllons. October M, for thalr performances at the Bruce County Elementary School Cross-Country Championships at Saugaen Bluffs Conservation Ire.. [from loll tn right, Kavln Tamara, 11, tinlshad second In (ha lunlor boys" comnetltion. Man: Jere M.cld\ekoop|\1, 9,nisrwd Frr-i,T m Hat semor glrls' cotseri.tton t and Paul t.It,yt? th, tirnished third ith Fhe l-yke boys-race. The "hull , m shed ll"' were" ooh " 13 echools " HR Comlv-Hhon '