5" '-S 'e /)'y;rV.tisii,ii,i,'ises),fC:y'-,: .2255; "1.2-. r ~3> T, -.' 1-2: _r"'_'. ( I. _ l i- ', V l w-." . 1-. r'cy,fffttki:'. 'ijs'cl'-, T, Crrr2,.Ct-s,' My}, 1;", J:". 'rr.'"", v. 1:; 2' {"7241 .liiitliii.iiiiit '. __ ".', H \ __' -~ "i' (_. _ _' _ _ l V 7M}: r T 'C, _ _' T T _ 'F = " in? L1Ptv,,,,r . _ . -. V . "Ile ae ii "i" Mi I T 11r. rt i'.', 9 , __. _ ' V _ _ if. . .3 L'd 'dh V , /;l; T _ _' _ s'. _ 1 V l BKXIEy .- l T. _ . .. _ _ .. RIai s {a .'W' 't."ii'ite' _ _,"" _ -', M ' Fd ra l 5177', -Tb" T: C _ r a 'gN are." lit" V (w _ _ 3 e3: _ " a! J G r _ _ 1lti ~ la st:, . . ll _ l ." ordan Wolfe Is shown being presented with the award for . :veraii 1% rcltlj' [Wye In Grey and Bruce counties by Miss Ar- an-Tara, Cindy Tediard, tt Itrtv a: "I'" Et?:' '" 1'; . - x V' _ '= L, j l q I d " . L", P, r I ' "cl 5 , ' t 1 , ' . l . ' T ' ' IV 'F,,: A i ' sc-U * , ch g il t - . i ( tti: 0 a ' a; "I '_..... bi u, rink, skipped I Jamie Werk, representing 2iiWtZ District High School, has advanced to me . Pepsi Junior 1Tr.fBE Provincial Curiing Championships, to be heid in Kingston in eeriy RiliEiil Members of tile team are, ieit to right, skip Jamie Walk, vice Trevor McLeod, 37317.... 'iiE'iill, H