CONT'D HISTORY OF LOT 2, CONC. B, ARRAN TOWNSHIP ', Buck) of Chatham: Freda (Mrs. . Kenneth McKinnonj of Port Elgin . " r' .. _ and Harry of Arran. I, I [7' When J. Deight Potts retired to a P V /iit; . ' _ . . li,') Paisley in 19tr8 his son, Harry ' ' ". h . y, "rr t . _ " A.dPotts, took over the farm 'f, 7i' - iiette' F "D C t lit an still occu ies it. . C CCs T ' [aiSi: , _""iitta':1 ' I p Us"; I.,.'] - a w. 1,ic1i7ih " 77%...» __ Harry Andrew Potts was married ltf',) Bi" e , m I , ppt'i"t'," u ii') 'c.". to Mildred Doretta Minto of 'ii'liifi'Ct27ih y_ ' IRI! , 'cf, ' FF, l ' , 1 . Paisley and they have two sons it: 'iiiuT2ee'.1r) J N/ ' Ph? CY' _ " r, E " t "bat", ' and one daughter, - Brian, f' "mu! "V '? c. "rrA . 'WE38 ri':C?1'I c85ri" .- Diane and Dennis. 3 3. J " f " _ Ps j l l v-.c' " ,x..' r/ir/r/iii':::,?],?)"';:),:),;,', L ', ' "" new "bi, l The Bell Telephone was install- 3 'y. '_ "1,4"; J) i', , , r"t.', ' "'V' ti1rr'/ii',v'i'i"r'1'; v ,'s", ' ed and it was later bought by f ". 'f t,"/y',i/,2ci-'t, ll: _,, 'rr'uve'C',t,sr'o, V . ', '. . . i the present Bruce System. ii, tr/fro " Cifiir_ :j'*'_ ml,,,r,'r.'r. s' a .ucsc. u'wm'w'" V ti, 1 It '-r:r' u. ----4--, wire; ' -" T -- "e . _ T "a 1 In 1922 a furnace was install... _ ,_,. _ _. Tree' "______---i-e- - "_".. '- T _ __ ___ deiih" ed. Hydro was installed in Mrs. J. Deight Potts in buggy driving 'Rose'. 1939. . cm' . alt ; u g g _ . of' dollars. .1 C. T, IEiiliiglMl a " ' - ' p. A . _ 'Jlc,rsalliil Ets. " 3"? " , I In 1910 Lot 2, Cone. A was purchased and in f T. IMltrllltlllt 'iMIrl I llllRi iilii& , 93.): 1940 Lot 3, Conc. B was added making a total j . "ifklw ' q KC5Nt?iii"'i" of 300 acres. . vi ", » - ¥¥t,....-_~ Kt . x . " " a: l M r , . r . - - 7 1C7i, -, ' " \T-th-Lii'h" . - - "A "* . . .7 ' :1? 3 ', _.._ il iilll INlllrll tl , , BlrllgitgtiitiijJoixii.t"ssi"-,ri" 'l ",. , j't F ff} ' "M! a; C) s, r - ' r at; IillltllriBiillllNii"t"ifi'i"t' _ii' "' 'j, I,,,, " I r n - 3" _" » - - , IMlltiil!iN 1lllllllNtj,,Lji "11"» . Silh api . - * ii. '.1,, .erai'ii 1'i5i7aEiiiiirtG= '1 ' Dolly and Eva driving 'Roy' _ I Ir ' gltr, 1'%ltEllM f r. _ crossing creek at back I. tll MBb' Trl 'ltillilllrlll a, ' ' V of farm. ' 'kRbT4 'tlSrt,flitirrf g. qglBilltliNll.lti 3 Mixed farming was carried on and many good T. Iri' . 'Alaak' J w IES ' I . .3 ', crops of grain were grown. In 1912 a crop . 1RillTlBlllMlill.r:,it \' - 3» . - of wheat averaged 50 bushels to the acre. Ill-IIB, , ' ' - BEiiBlN A splendid orchard had been planted on this .. ElEisitfi'a i . LN -1ll farm but the heavy frost of 193k killed a ,' - - "ME " I ;_:-:< 3 large number of these trees. Almost every t (P, -\/»y_£3 a 'd _ ' - - v' , 1, variety of apples of that time were grown ' " ' M rg . -. ' Iitil 4:." in this orchard. I I e"e _ . _eSEl In 1905 a well, 160 feet deep, was drilled Dolly and their two dogs, 'Jack and Purp' . and is still in use today. A windmill was installed on it then and remained in use until a pressure system was installed. Some tile drainage was done on the front part of this lot which was money well spent. There was some wonderful timber on this lot Written by - -." 66. Which today would be worth many thousands Mr. .,J. Delght Potts, March, 19 ' j