MOUNT HOPE WOMEN'S Ilfji1r.1.1l.l.lrlllli, .. EAST. 1llirJf..lliuloAfill?irfill, Welcome to am lutdula 049W. The Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario are strengthened by your decision to join our ranks. Your membership will become better homemakers and better citizens because of your participation in our effort. May you have the pleasure and satisfaction in _ your Institute service, and may your community . become a better place in which to live, because of it. We are happy to welcome you. ' . . 2 r, "esidentELaceatLtr.v.ttug, - 1-yvacttir, sec-east-r-ir-ri-c-v-s-i-r-iss-c-ri-i' -- - Mg ,