25 m wers 4C Cmm e Om se y A C t ADrradgant d e e o dn ~--~--anm on se.ls * &0 0 W CCC TYR Aq T O -- o. gonpfd es erreateacacisiy o uce o rrgane e t t t o 3 . MJ 14 sees cpos g oofi TW ut L 1 e s io ts 1 ne ce "'v 4. «4. To Onceurage de--eperation and demmanity eff@rts, | ; |.. 56' 7 fo: . 5. Te initiate natien--wide aampaigns in accerdancs ¥ith the _ Cl e se %\ ' _ ebjectives of the Federation. e '{, %9' wWerk ef the Insfiitutes. C o. ho 9 s e yA 2 <o e __ The war recerd4 ef the Woeman'h"Institubes was eutstanding. Nembers were rep-- . #jif & remented en many war--time vbeardt And comiits#iens, they previded Ambulances, _ > 2s d f mebile kitchens and danteons, Statien wagons, a ist quantities of hespital t 4 I M o h gons, and vast ¢ E bol and medichl mupplies, clething and knitted goeds, Thousands 6f dollars ' 84 . po. woerth of vegetablo seods were Hent as gifts to British Institutes and . o ; handreds of tens of Jam were made and sont eversaoeas, Cash centributieni to i t varieus war charition were s#ubstantial. In addition to their War Work, , ; during thene years the Institutes maintained their rogular pregram of _ _ ' . ; study and. action in the ficlds of health, education;, secial welfare, home~ e t making, and citisenship,. . _ ol : | . | . . K¥uch of the woerk ef the Women's Institutes his always been Airected e | .. tewards securing impreved health servrices in rural areas. Among the projects 2 ; being streasced this year are ostablishment ¢ef geheel.clinicn, measures for y d . the centrel of tuberculesi#, chncer and venoreal Aiscase, and immunization s * soggae * | of childrei against infectious Aisgasoesr., Many Institutes are spensering the | _ _ Blue Cress Hespitaligzatien Plan in their communities. The provision of y d j scheoel lunches is receiring wide--spread attontion. e | ' | The previsien ef stholarzhips to enatle riral girls to attond colleges 20 s | of Househeld Science had been a regular feature e¢ef the woerk of several 4o _ g --__ Previncial Institutes fer seme yearse. in ce ko : + In Ontarie, the birthplace of the Women's Institute mevement, members + 1o celebrated their 50th anniversary by creating an "Adelaide Reodlesa Fund" . . { ' _ _ Their ebjective is $36,000, and the fund will prevido scholarships to . ty C | ol enable girls from Ontarie farm hemes to study Home Ecenomics at the | o4 preovincial Agricultural Gelloge., ' t e s L . . . | i A COPY OFR PHE FIRYST REPORMT OF THE FIRST WOMEN'S INSTIEUTE ~ ol -' Repert ef the wemon's Inatitute of Saltfleet, | . » 4 . , e Women's institute wans erganized February I9th, 1897, Mrs. HoodAless . < . being the promoter,. Tho efficers elected were as follows: . 1 C Henorary Prosident~--~--------Kra. John Heoedlenss. . ®f o * Presj.dentodooooéoooooooErflo E.D.SBith ' > "3 ' Ist Vio@-Prea.........oMrBo Hela'nO j * ' 1 # Znd Vice--Pres.......»..MPH. J . Doan -- ! 3 , seoretar'....&oooo&oboonisa E.Kaflh * § . TFOARHRrOPsoe+o+«eccceccecceNMrgq. J.H MoNoeoilly _ , e ; The ebject ef thin Institute is to promete that knewledge of household & * & scienee which shall lead to impreveméent in househeld architecture, with on C © special attentien to home sanitatien, to a boetter understanding of the écon-- . ol omic and hygenic value value ef feeds and fuels, and to a more scientific care * 'sf 4 . of children with @a view ef raising the general health of our peeple. Fer the iC : better carrying out ef the ebjeots of this Institute, it shall be Aivided oo 5_ : inte six Aivisions, namely:; I. Demestic Eoenemy; 8. Architecture, with special } referances to sanitatien, light, heat, eto.; 3. Physiology, hygigne, medicine, poc t i calisthenicas, eto.; 4. Florioulture, herticulture; 5. Musie and Art; 6. Lit-- M t erature and Secielogy, Educatien and Legislation,. One Airector is appeinted hocoedt go fer each Aivisien to arrange for papors, essays, addresses, eto., for each -- 2 4 Ki po c &ivision at each meetifig. We have a paid membership of 76. There have boen 6 2e 3P * : meetings held4, which have been feund very interesting &s woell as beneficial, -- -- ---- ©.. / § We have been faveuréd with an excellent address from Mrs. S.T.Rerer, ef Phil= ° | _ =;,'--, & adelphia, the great aciepfific ceok ef America; a very intoresting paper by Dr. oA 4 --_ Mabel Hendersen, alge 4 paper on the value of foceds by Misg Watmon, a graduate t. of Mrs. Rerer's ceeking school. Mrs. Hoodless has givén some interesting taiks, e opee t and the papers given en subjects in the Aifferent divisions by members of the k . fr Institute, also Aiscus@ions en the same, have made the moetings a great success. Lo ge i z (Signfld., MrFS . E.D.Smith. (Signed.) H.E.Na'.sl{l, 200 ~ S e e " $0_ . . _ Pregident . ' Secretary. . e i ' t s e i y® 00. > £ e &A o2 RoS s s Soich e e ub t t e e Ee / ts 1 , </ualf ,':::,;;f,;':A,&.t.:'.':.i.?;, sut --%:-Ba;f;%';"sk'v'kf%v}é'w 2o Wheml l e Cupedg? *%fi:\'a'i&p'"':":"'q' W ic }""'fi".} """%A";n@'j'}