Paisley WI Tweedsmuir Scrapbook Volume 1, [1610] - [1967], p. 11

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'"t1ta .\ P'(\q ; | _ _ MAR. 29, 1950 EéleT'TUTE EN A¥se 1 t 1j DW "ttae The M a ')ral]('h of the form March 213 nlh"""t,'l"il\'z 'aden tahj ¥reen and ¥1ty.. trad; trpe 13 woth 'h'ad _ taken The nrogr-- '"C program was ver bv evervane, E)e res Was spent in plavina ese checkers. _ The m wwoienre Mis, OMiver Seile Tarker. and in vlreed RoPston \ dhriet husi o d ut othe ottests s bexok,. and the nretine Noetronal --Anthem. T ark. Rotst I 1e 1i y --il\', X in P ie Otiree ce Oe nt PAISLEY BRANCH W. 1. NAMES OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR The Paistex tbranch af the Women's Instituts anet in the 1.0.0.F. Hall on %pril 18th, with a fair attendance, and woath Mrs. Won. Archer presiding, The imeetiucz epened in the customary man-- mer. ov+it44o Seripture reading by Mrs. Ciea. Johnmnson. _ 'The Sunshine commit-- tee -- repe ted 17 ealls.o Roll call was tee -- orepe ted 17 ealls.,. Roll call was answered hy payment af fees by 20 members. _ The following reports were eaqvencooAgriculture and Canadian In-- custries, hy Mrs. E. Porter; Citizenship and --Education, Mrs. W. Dippel ; Home [ coneimies, Mrs. D. R. Currie; Health Mas&-- Jas. Cavill; Treasurer, M:is. A § eith : Auditors,. M rs. Ma k h MeAMlister; XW o n. o Asel erg; o E'ress Purter. The --tepic. on Community Activities and -- Pubtic Relations, was given by Af ps. T1 MeAHister, the convenor, She read 3w o interesting -- poems, "Your J own.%T ind *When 1 Am Gone." Mrs W Dippel spole on "Public Relations." Having just returned from a trip to Plorida, she pointed to the attitinde of the -- southern whites to the blacks w hich is not commendahble. _ Further mnor th the siftuation is much better. Afre. R. J. Pearce presided aver the election of officers for the coming yenr The following were clected : President M re. Win. Archer; 1st vice--ores., Mrs W Dippel: 2nd vice--pres., Mrs. Eimer Alrm--: sec'v_--treas., Mrs. A. R. Keith; aesistont cec'v.. Mrs. . Parker: Blve C ross °03. Mrs. . Parker; district directoes. Afrs. G. Johmnson: pianist, Mrs Parker: Assistant. Mrs. E. Grant; press secretarics, Mrs. R. J. Pearce and Mrx -R pl MeGill. Branch directors and en veners of standing:committees will he nppl)ilfl('d at |hg May meeting. (fF w C MC \\': l)i|-|r('| & Plaving o jusd pdJorida, she the -- southo * ',:'" 'n'\'\'q | [ _ S'Ch meeting of the Paisley nch of the Women's Institute took _ _form af a pnot luck supper on tch 21st. when members and guests mnbering 45 saq down to the well-- on tables, tastefully decorated wit» en and white for St. »Patrick's aay. following the dinner Mr. and Mrga B. Curtie entertained the gathoring th a azumber of _ color-- films thevy _ °C595 T he \{rs MV . A 1 ']("n\an". hments e wo--!] in MA 6397 M C l\'lal'Ch n h of the 1 form of 3 199 t<~l1ea es Y t §1-- nJ TA# :(\" WA e o tak| fll\r]' ' 63609 "_ [JM on sewing machine branch of the \Women's Institute was "As eminved hy those prp .. A Tuesday | {femorial Com-- MNatwmced that a sewineo . :173,:'13?: Ccmge;' :']ittllng present. * Sremenred hy thie TInott. The. mceting opened in the custom-- torput /\,-:r". The nestinea ary maniter, afid Mrs. R J. Pearce, a '.'p Natinnal Anthen and mact recident --wae-- in charge of the \\'i[h 'llvir ow n N\n,'- extendad* Oy ENJOYS POT--LUCK DINNER OM 20 iner own camera. ¥as vervy much enjoved Vle rest of the evenine lavinuga eards and Chin-- The winners at cards ctr-- Seiler and Mts. lohn Yrhes chhechkers, Mrs, Wmm business session wias <ts sigened the guest-- ctine closeid with the NMICE ta the com k an the dem»en ccal sterese awhic| se n the) demna» n ordinary, tahle Mr oo ottMegtq> 3. Joimston and President, Mrs see'v., Mrs, E cres which _ >' PAISLEY ;\'EEETS thedemen. =----------_--n___ Beginning with the fesxt mecting. the, 'Gammic of Arkwright, Mrs. Don Institute will meet in the Communitv| 'Kenzie of Brucedale, Mrs, D. C Centre, . \ bell of Burgoyne,. Mrs. M. Sh};t " ol miia;® h po kess _5 'of Chestey, Denelda Martin of Ch --* PAISLEY w. . MEETS Mrs. J. Patterson of Eiorg Road N h mt 8 s L AMrs. H. Trask of I",Isinorc._l\!ff- The mceting opened in the custom-- ary manner, and Mrs. R J. Pearce, a past president, was in charge of the installation of officers. Following the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. J. Lewis read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Alex Keith re-- ported receipts from tag day for the Canadian Society for the Blind, as $56.57. . Mrs. Geo. Johnston, district ditector, reported on the district ex-- ecutive meeting, held at Burgoyne on April 27th. Mrs. Wm. Archer, Mrs. G Jolinston, Mrs. E. Porter and Mrs. R J. Pearce were appointed as delegates to attend the district annual meeting at Allenford on May 31st. Mrs. Gillies Parker, secretary of the Blue Cross announced that she would he at the 1i-- brary on Wednesday, June 7th, from 1:30 to 3 o'clock pm., to receive the. fees. The following convenors of standing committees were named : Health and Economics, Mrs. E. Porter, Mrs. W. Dippel: Historical Research, Mrs. G Parker: -- Community Activities and Public Relationships, Mrs. N. Howe Mrs. N. McAllister; Citzenship and Education, Mrs. R. J. McGill; Agricul-- ture and Can. Industries, Mrs. Win IMcAngus ; Resofutions, Mrs. J. Lewis ; |Auditors. Mrs. H. Neilly and Mrs. Geo Johnston. ! The Grandmothers had charge of th(' q4 sMM PICLEELEEER, ePR 1R remainder of the meeting. lnsu'umen-l Acresting ~address on the junior worl tlal music was rendered by Mrs. Parker, _ 2" 2 conntv basis, and reported a ;'ew & . rapid and ercouraging growth in Jun-- Miss McAngus and Miss Dorotby _ jop Institute and Jimior Farmer organ-- Hopper. The meeting closed with the _ izations. Airs. Gatis of Colpor's Ray. National Anthem. Lunch was served _ Federated representative, spoke to the by the committee in charge, eathering, bringing information -- from Ha e en en e e e e e e e e e . the Federited Board. wWOMEN'S INSTITUTES OF EAST! | Mrs. G. E. Evans welcomed the dele» _ _ RFUCE HELD ANNUAL MEETING; pates at the afternoon session, and in ! ATl ALLENFORD --reply Mrs. C. Faweeit of Tara, spoke e__--_--_____ \ brieflv. -- Mrs. 1. MeVittic of South-- ©Mrs. J. J. McKinnon of Chesley Is Re--} UPtU!. RAVE the report of the direce | elected To District Presidency.--Bl:gf tor's meeting. _ Mrs. J. J. McKinnon. Attendance for Interssting Sessions. t'¢ P"CSident. introduced Miss Taggart. | -.TWenty Senior, Three Junior Instie --*CPFCSC!tNE the Department of Agri-- _ titutes in District--A Total of 897 culture at Toronto, wio commented at ! Members FEnrolled. -- some length on the, reports presented. oT : j She refoerred to the fact that there are ' "'rol:e::';"::-ti'l:::tmg 0}: Fast Bruce I'i.[lc(':n Tweedsmuir --Histories in the -- nesday .ir' ti CUhicg eld on Wed. -- district, and -- supggested that -- these _ nes 1e United Church, Allen. Show!d be brought up to date every two \ fard with am aébaaadallls AaB 22222 aql l _ Fears. The May mcecting aof Directors for the district are Mrs. W. Walker of ANilenford, Mrs. Wallace The anmual meeting of East Bruce VWomen's Institutes was held on Wed. nesday in the United Church, Allen-- ford, with an attendance of more than 170 delegates. Mrs. J. J. McKinnon of Chesley, was re--e'ected as president of the district, with Mrs. W. A. McBur-- ney of Walkerton, Mrs. H. Burrell of Pinkerton, and Mrs. J. Haines of Port Elgin, as first, second and third vice-- presidents, Mr:. Frank Kennedy of Tara, was named secretary--treasurer. Other offizers named were : , Feder-- ated represemative, Mu"'. T. Datlingtoh of Southampten with gMrs. H.,' Rowe otf Owen Sound. as al.zernate': 'district representative, Mrs. 1. McVtéttie of Seuthamptor. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison of Walkertan, as alternate; junior re-- presentative, Miss Audrey Woebster of Port Elgin; alternate, Mrs. B. Robert-- son of Port Elgin. Auditors are Mrs. C Grant and Mrs. W. J. Miller of Tara. Mrs. J. J. McKinnon of Chesley Is Re-- elected To District Presidqncy.--Bl'g Attendance for Interssting Sessions. --Twenty Senior, Three Junior Insti-- titutes in District.--A Total of 897 Members FE.nrolled. -- von rmmagge s w ns cCP pprreRpztcrmer the -- Paisley of Williscroft, Miss Alma Pinkerton, Mis. H. Blowes 0 sin, Miss Audrey Woebster 0 gin, and Miss A. Maundrell ampton,. Liesnrer of Mildmav, Miss J CUU Mildmay, Mrs. Gen. Johuston of lev. Mrs. Goeo Mecalfe of South geen, Mis. Jas. Young of Tar@: AV A. McBurney of WalkertO®, I. A. Johnston of Walkerton. M Gingrich of West Arran, Mrs. . of Wihite Setwool., Mrs. W Kin The next annual meeting at Chesley, and the exect! at Port !lgin. The speaker also discussed the co-- operative program, and said that ficst choice of the district was "Brighten Your Home With Color." with second choice, "What To Do Until the Doctor Comes." An additional service, "Food$ That Heaithy Children Like," was re-- quested. 'The four centres for the two services are Paisley, Port Elgin, Tard and Wialkerton. . W. i. WiLL SpPONSOR coURSE IN DRESS-- MAKING The regular meeting of the Paisley branch of the W. I. was held in the Memoriat Community Centre on June 20th, with the president, Mrs. Wim. Archer, occupying the chair, There were 37 members and visitars present. The mecting opened in the usual man-- |her, and Mrs. Farle W. Grant read the 'Scripture. The minutes and treasuretr's rmuat meeting will be held d the executive meeting tecomed the dele« cession, and in \af Tara, spoke "ittie of, South-- s. Don Mc-- . D. Camp-- [,. Shouldice e of Chesleyv. Road North. . Mrs. P3D. J. Gilmac of tn of Pais-- n, Kingstan a Reid of of Port El-- of Port E1-- of South« Mrs > and The Paistley branch of the Women's . H(" Institute held the October meeting in \'\?t;;t the Memorial Community Centre 6n ublic ,T'ucsda'v' Octoher 17th, with the presi-- Tarai dent, Mrs. Wim,. Archer, in charge. "é"":f Mrs. E. Noble read the Scripture. Mrs l;.'-ILv N. McAllister gave a stirring talk on solu. the motto, "Take off your hat to the uslev. past. your coat to the future." The s Wa$ roll call was answered by namiug n _ of "who lived in my house." tment _ Mr. Lorne B. Evans, renresentative an in---- for the: Bruce Co--oprative Medical Sau-- h'[ IS; Afrs. 'ook $0000 fhf NE P CTADOR € 0 o oo t ues apas® s 0 Ireport were read and adopted, and the ?',S'u-nshine committee reported ten calls. '~The roll call was answered by telling "Something I have learned from W 1. work during the years." Arrangements 'were made to hold a dress--making »course, put on by the Department 'from June 26th to June 30th. Mrs. Geo, !Johnson gave a very complete report of the district annual held in Allenford on May 31st. _ _ Mrs. J. J. MacKinnon of Chesley district president, gave a very interest-- ing talk on citizenship.. She said citi-- zenrship is a badge of honor, and oge ishould vahue his honor as 'he would his 'life. Do not traffic with your citizen-- ship, she warned. Arrangements were made to hold the July meeting in the fomnn of a picnic at Horticultural Park on July 18th. Miss Lenoré Pearce contributed a piano solo, and the meeting closed with the National Anthem. TJamch was then served hy the committee in chrge. Atrangements were made to onen a o®ild health confetence in Paislcy in the near future, with Miss R. Fish county nurse, in charee Miss Fish, who was present. explained the pl-- and ceave the Jist of required equip-- ment. _ Shteintroduced Miss Turni-- the nutse who replaces Miss Pierce in this district, A committee, Mesdame; Mex R,. Keith, Wmn. Archer and N MeAllister,with Mrs, W. Dippel. as the convenor. seas appointed to make arrangements for the clinic. Secre-- Waries appointed to act at the ches clinic in _ Memorial-- Communit: Coentre: on October 19th, were Mos-- dames Wm. MeAngus, G, Parker and (in,. Johnson. A district conference on "Brighte: vour home with color" will be held in the Memorial Community Centre on the afternoon of Nov. 9th, with Mis: K. Taggart in charge. The members of Hanover Women's Institute will be :at the November meeting. and. will be in charge of the program. A table of interesting antiques was on display. At close of the mecting refreshments were kerved by the committce in charge. 44.

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