. O ii' _ cr' 'ew, ", _ "4""- ? il; of 'itlt: of mic Week A m C'", - ----... :1; Pip' ' u , e . '. _ _ a" T-r-"'---'";,"," 'i"ii'iii'a?sfil) -12 'i,'sttitaits,? branch of J: {invemhers' '. I -iirq"i'S"r"e"" ....t......._,w 'i,ii'isiiiiijifi,i'jji:" t e, who . 1e om ' E 'irc-- . a." ..'. I" w - sir)ij:iiiri':f:?:'i' I lot, did . en S _ _ ' -- ~. ---- -----" Pr.-- i.?,'tisii':':i:if:1 I . Of Can such an -- C . ----i.-r--rcrrirrrC. ""-¢---.._ 'iiiii)))iiijjc vassin excellent - - '-- -._A . Community Q. . . --. -----e--i-- w-------""'"""""""- '";iii,ii'i)ii'ii' sun-v R for ' PAISL -'-- A --_. , " " .lllgmg was ' , fit, [M'"*¥~~--'--'..qq-----------------~ 'iii)i,iii_i::,i:i', h ev. and the the X-ray chest ' S! W. I. hgtjiMitle, _--- yrs.y.tire1,y/t pi cnit.yd, with', FjiEiil "A *" 'is-la. . LN,' v f 'ii.')":).":'::.":;::":,"::,":,,'::':::':-:."':."' led',.', on Thursd n. rhen the unit I I _ MARCH OF DIMESG THE Im,' closed with thee N11?" The meet. I 'tiril'f% iiittrtiLtit' -i'iii'iiii'"?t "ii),:':,:':.:); tttie . ay. t Was ' " . ' t ional ' _ . ' . ,r' ' "i::";.':,"';"::,"::),':.":"::':: _ h . ss s';,le1"i;'ieri/.rndl,ed the Clerical: The Jan -----.- () social Ioli-hour followed 13:13:1le I RDAY, MAY 5 .1 _,'.', 'z iii.:,')":.:.':,;:::'::,'::':":) Iw , . . , branch {nary meeting of th Pai TIIS served by the Jiiiiiiiiiiii, in 11'" 'N The annual tag day for h I I . F _ ":i',iiii_:'::'ri:':i_,'.'i:":_ . l. AN"rttttAINf L. _ . -._.r_ held a: the Women's 'dll aisley T le Marchmeeting Will he 'tI chl'ch. trtional Institute {of th It"? Canadian , . 'i':":',)":,:'::-' Jl)ltil, WALKERTON Centre 'ttlllc 23Mcmoriat Cgtutc was supper, t pot "Ct te in Paisley next Seat "5d will be . 35%;:- H I ' Wt f ladi F mmunitv ' I. I . Ur ay M t . A _j"i' 1 Wm A (1C5 ore - t..--e Au-sa-a-cc _ _ "ocally the tag d ' ' ay, q tr I -------.---. - t I r sen - - . _ - ', r a .., t ', The Novcnd, . . /fd 0 l the id),'.'."",'); the president t. ' Ur.s. 1','lili, WM. ARCHER iiiriureriiir hthltc Women's rt'l's'tietVI sponsored ' c, 'ii'. lev branch are; l]t(:\t'€tmg M the Pais i with an taco 1e roll call was :mtgas I' RESIDENT OF" PA'SLEY W I 'ti lam. Slfp'nont at this iii, '1th t , , washeld ' . te .Wotrtcn's I . TI Alll "(My hint h ' were -.------r . . la to continue tl _ e is essen ii) , , OH I' . . _ ttstittt , lister . . Irs. N . . . . M? man . "li." It}. '.. Mcf'mrinl Cnnucmht). ry. 2lst, in use: 'shine 'io',",',',','), the Scri:ptwre. Th 'she.".' The annual meeting of the Phish: Ithis organization on helm"? 'leo,')'",',", of. y"? . a?!" _,',1ve,',r""li1ti1," Centre, with C') Mrs. Wilforgiclg' "320'.th Pielltc 53:1- "MIMI of tite Womcn's lustit t. . y :l'i'qof'c trundred blind ncrsznu'? near..) t 'm. Arch . lo president M i tertsti tooe 2ave C s. I ' . . t P was l riot. .. . s In thi '. . '" ' . . J _ "it dem . a ver . reld m th- Mt'l'HWv' . ' Giv s meet, t]. was In cl ' . rs ' . ' onstration Ir m- . L .'t tal Co "272123.!" "ve. 11'0" ' . I _ tomatf'f' :vhtch Was "Must? cf the; 1rttt"p,', a srd,i,tc"Ltll,.'.t tuakine (Icntrc on Wednesday, Ass) "8th wit; blind. Cronslt to this work for the I Pear nmmcr, witl "0 cus-l '. . orter. con- .. _ the President Mrs Mr, A A ' '.' l a t I -. t Ce r . 1 Mrs , economtC vCnor f . ' ' ' . re.lter, m he _ . ! Cavill cadtng the Script" . R. I I estin S and health: real or .1101)"; chair. iiirauth'esywse"] Foll ! 'WOME . -. , _ ., _ _ Have an in . re. Mrs. It . $Tpaper on diet an litter- 'the. ooeni . . l ownle 1 NS INSTITUTE ' -- -"---- _ "Trent , tterestitut re t "It! the f and health _ une eoterruis, Mrs. Arch I GRAN .-. oiigiiiiiiiiii he crowing. It wai, tttttttit Sltn'le oil [,th PI/l:" "good food ..stress: conducted an impressive memorial er F DMO r"ERS' DAY Es oss ' . . ' "We ' . JS.S. -,.] . . » - ls ,l., .'. ' Sch pr., V . l IC s ices are due ll f that) Cd the ltus. Irorth. also n Ir.ood, 1'ICe for two oi the oldest m 7 flu? Paislcr l . . I "rotary M .. cc. 15m and new dru "_. .'.. tcttittttt t M embers. I l "with of tl t , De a . . [rs. Gillies . . ' '.h lune " 1kRS, ACTH . . . . rs. Robert Conn and Mis '. . I ' IC NI om ' D tgt'hc lihrarv fro i' Parker. will: w", Med for the reli t and 'Corrs-' McBeath l) tl l Ls Georgina I nstilttle hold the "mull ens t , cc. th to . m. to 4 p .' orch IV tlit' ot ant .it ' otit "mt-WW president l.uuwti . " ar mont'll' ' ' rccmv JM. on ' . Its. W Di ttities who h , . . .S, t "it: In the Ile . . Ily,. .l.', " Mrs Wi c these fe whatl . imscl . . ave oassed awa I '. tttttorial C ' . t r I t. iliord Di Les, ms been dot . ,, "Mammy tttenthe, . y recently. The to," . omm'unitf: ' on the w " B lime] gave a re gard to the "h to m I aislev Will . . 'ers stood with bowed heads de; re on May L5tlt TI , . l Noir 28 C abv Clittict , oort paimt . larch of Ir, " trc- ' tttR a two min , ' ". . Dr- ""UlIht-rs at l x . . 1ere were at I,' I . 8th in l o he lteld o t . ' which is . . . Imcs cam I Mes silence whichwas l . ' ll visitors pre ' A, com . ' t le Communit " n victims ratstttR mone . ." oliowed with . . . "mew"! in I . esent. Th . i l mittee was l . y Centre a '. Arranmem h' for polio h m" u a reverent reading of the M ' C t'arke of the , . tt I _ candy bases fo _ aooointed to. fill . . canvass f ents were m 1 ymm What a Frie l W . l Ts. ttttit. Arch ' "resident . t "s. r "I. , . t the a O the "0 aue for Jes " Itt e Have ttt I , er. was UDCl . . mas tree on L").eli,'r,1.1"""i'v Christ- J 'I")',','.,'.?,', 30th. rth end of town on 'il),' 2, Mrs. Archer. ffltf"1,'l,r?' manner. and Mrs tll the /2,"t: of the ')(G, latticrm'z the meeting Allis-:7 ae? 11mm: and.Mrs. N. Mc- "it" tlte Scripture lessott. ii Lav." l' tt'lm Institute were n erton .hranch give: 'e"yie,f, a (mil: \ghcimlp of the lic s,'.,t,gtir:eianntt,sot,1,f, papers on 91"" -mafktt:r read the minutes 'ot Uri-35" G. . It'. local bro "rsr"t as trttests m . a need cn will I, ons an conm . . . . . - F ce mg and al . Vlous ' r ' . . . ectt y local f . . e The e "mm aetivitie ' so presented I t l oresented a uch. and tlu, visi up; closed . amilv. Th r port of the S hi s. urers "no he treas t ' . . t Vttrv eni . sums them with the N ti c was m' unsIme commute l rt. The Sunshin . t.. l consisiintt of lm ahh, Drug: ' and a soci a ional An- We" by Mrs R I e reported 22 e commune t ', . a "a, . u ram, Luncl ial half-ho north . "Jupcarce fo tl . calls on tl . e l'. lationship." "Cl on Imm- , . 1 was serv d ur follow d end, and M D ' r " ms It le sick and sh . . . . a readin IC Rc- m char e by the . e . south rs. . Porter for tl . was teported I ut.. . routes" Th Q, a solo and ce. commute end of th . ' " tag d tttal the rec , . .". p n . . two _.----..---- -- e, the . e village, R ay for th . . ent t, ' National 2l'l",e',',1,.t""l'j','; (-llnsm with ("A "MARCH 6ir" 6iiiiEP .- - I',',':,,'.."';',"', committees wcr:m;:tsfo':f the Blind, had ileft'e'had'a" Insitute for , i' . o1tncll "m " . . 'R'Esu CAMFAié" . . 'r rs, Wnn iii ' . - The Initi a total of $5950 ' msrrruri ---- _ . rved LTS ANNOUN N .dcstry and . . cAngus. for in. $44 mute received . . _ ' E "01155 - -. --- CED t M Gi agriculture: I It .00 as n, a net sum of F f bitdEMriiyii The toe l I C ml for em . ' Dr Irs. R. J. ti k l oceeds from. a , MEETING . ER Di: ' a phase of tl " I bv Mr .. tcatton and citi .' "c ets for the te sale oi e t tf . nes" campai le March f ', tT. E. Porte f izenship; in tl recent cookh ________ " ' . . Ell for . r tt and h t cr tM" home cc . te Town Hall tft school The D (fd I, myolitis victit relief of Polio cn thc bv M . ""Ullttcs swcr d . . Roll call w . ecem13er . la . us was bro" I - Mrs. G. . . rs. A. I?. Keith . e with a showi as an- 2i:le, branch of th',',"',')',',',', of the Vcsntorctclk. [Mm '(i',t/,'rr'l,tit',e'l, close and (";rr§::kcr. on historical rc<c'1,.f;;" oliland some new ma of aprons, some ", . om ' I Mt o ' . . con- . ('W'l I ... ' ' . I n?ue.Was.heId m the Mem "y! ly.tstt- that total J:') Committee. attttout1Ces Tt-lmll um: u/,',)',",'1','i. Clu. tn-nstm-r's the Is.. 900. Johnson Rav vi le, Centre, with 30 "was! Lam. This Was madcmts amounted to $9175 the Dress. by Mrs 'l' All" Keith, and 'Po ("Faint executive mega: jeport ' " 01's present.' ers and to I y', u" as follows: . . The vori '. ._. ' . ... Pearce rt s. in. Mrs . g teltl at 5 the Pres'd . Mrs: 'tht Ar l ' tome solicitation I . House luStitt IIs, rettorts indicated appointed I .' H, wil.itytl Dippel ' the Od t em. opened the meeti Clet. i':,',',?, end of villag iLrlzebCkahs in l tte had hud n tttOM t that the G, mark st vice-president with "vita; I e and Lo d' " wttt) louse li . . q e, _ JB: hot: 'cat' and that I successful . er as seer . t " C Clark r s Prayer a (I t solicitation I, l r: ' se to strrpcti ' "or" iuieresti Mrs Wn etary-treasur . '. read the s . ' n Mrs, tute in Hort} v. Women's Insti- 1. ttttive l'rImrzmn . . 1urr and in. -,] t. McAngtts as . er and _ shine committee tegglpt'urq in": Sum. coeds from 'cgnd _ol \illlage $47.03; an; Illa 1tresitlent m: h-ul 1m." Mamba. (,'l,r",1rei'l'r:.r,' Mrs . iisxtant secrc- i. motto, "It is more 'ii'erst,,e:1, 15 calls. Th/ $9..30 ntribation tins in stores mittee Ott their r",',',,",',:':',',",',,"," the rum. /d.', named as "wear C ngus was . ', . to receive," was essed to give than' W, t. Wli. -."_ ', predation and J,1',irsi" and voiced Mt- '. ross 'hospitalization y for the Blue J , Mrs. Jas L . very ably given lk L SPONSoR ifdi --. _. their splendi 'lll\S to members f . .3! the library ' and the will b r '.' ems. A m . _ 5. DEMON OOKING -c . did Comm-min . . Itt to r - on June 12th e I sed to give ia00 otion was isas.l, STRATION l ar. The ttmnlwr . 11 "Units: the eceivC the aunt I T t . at 2 p.ttt. I '. Seal Fund A to the TB diiisiiii.l, The p . m------.------.. of short courses f l tleciOd ml a series ':members. A cont ii,' Ices for the plan. a t . yrrangemlent 'I .1 . ' aisley bran l tlistrict . . . rm" the Instit voted t n tttton of $10 F F "tpf cards to the sick s JCt ttttpd ' I ttstitttte "PM the If: of the Women's 311w. {nomams' The full 1.t,1e and (over ll? Salvation Arm .00 was ' t rs. Geo J I an astust-iml i,ihe Memorit . 'enr1mry "teeth -.. . eret with Itavtut? ca was i. I le delegat Y at Ilan.. I ', "Rose . . ottnson gave a . ., iNV l rial Couununi ' t IRIn The electi ttt of fees. gamma] meet" . ' .05 to the di . , s In Decemb , "tttel ednesday f ty Centre I . lon ot oific 'ar itiminCh I istrict t ' er." M d , - afternoon, wi ou ducted bv l CPrs was co .l e Mrs. Ge es ey on tttt _ I 'ft/Ta','? A3 very enj°;:'hl:valteil 4:3.32": l?", jc.)',',::.."'",.),' we or"- (iri.iiiend "his. J: J. Pearce, In: fume" i/r,','."", 1311.150". 1,l,1 1(1) "i, " . . rcher a so, t ' mics prose" ': le Clair, electcd- . le {Ollnwin . I 'arker . f" orter at Or 5 'C, ' 15""ch Bad," by 2tier 2 reading! TI opened in the se,,",.),,,,,,]',),', meeting J. "ft,ice-"c.t:'sri2,h,', orcsidettt turret; f,'il:ti,ri,/Ac,1tioi,', was Dasgéltt 1:11". (l; ', I . . instead a trest. Mrs call was alum" . yyy manncr er'. c e resitlcnt, Mrs w .". . touch" otllt serve , tat ttc _ I nary of l g ve the inter . the questi ' . ered with a I' . ' st vice-pres t l ". Int. Arch.. l t'rsoithis li . 5"Ppcr to th , I M he Seventh C . estint'r b y" mu. Wm, ar eply to 2nd vic - s'.' o Mt elected I A" the M : "tstrict wh C . t ', rs. G P hristma ', e a Can di " , e you e Drcs,, Mr fi . ater: I', Omar -. en thev n ' t . arker I " am: a ian? rl proud to retar cs. .. Chum . ~-\tny 2 ial ann . tect , eph's Donk ' played a record u t (lex R K . le secretar l y-treasurer and . ttttW', sec- I 2nd Tl "hnity Centr . _ ey." Marl , Jos) r . oith, read th . y,. Irs. eleetedlat . . t assistant t IAlourt wi, IC motto " . c on I Glen, childre rlene, Gwen a ,CSPOIIdcnce and e minutes, cor er: . er: pianist, to b . o be p, i"' tth 510.." . Grow Old . Thon n' of Mr. and M ol Mrs. w l " ' t treasttrer's - '.' assistant piani c elected lat- "Y was triv- tc Host ls Y t ' lpsan, gave . rs. W. ml 3 . "'ppel Mono d t . report. district di ' ist, Mrs E G rhi tn by Mr . . ct to ' which wer two ptano nu ' 'gOVL-rnlncnt t" se that the $10 b Hector. Mrs G . " rant: l S was the th. .s. IN m. Arch . _ e much e . iiiei) pr . . Mrant be list-I hi 't'u.. tl ranch direct ... .160. Jolutst ' ian" soi . "a"dmutl . . _ cr. ' . Roll call nioyed. . (Wide "rtr.cs a t thisytar t J or.% Mesdant f . on'. -I it was fit . ters mcetin , '. was answ . I Publi . . at the local fal ' tO as. Hope F, G cs 1 Seiler "dttr.ltl he iitir,r that tl M, . change of . ered with an t It: Sclhnul child ' .3] fair for pres . . .. irant. Wm ' lot "ttton I ' le program t the g,,,',',',,.,',",',',',,'-" . yu,,',',',',',' was Screed-e; 9111090531 was Jc'J/)i' writing. This /ir/iri.sh..".i';iln2stli, mourn, and "20130;" jry lt tlt:, Iisc'l'trc L'ramh'muwt s' ', In c arge I I was anttott . C . . . msmtc conve .'. ..e., 's "ti, i th. . tugs were {I I? I r I . facturi ' "(Cd that a sto tritl. Mrs. D P . tttVS, Mrs. las Mrs. li. i', "nut. Mrs . LI'?" , I . . o'ing2,'t',,c,?,1,'"i'i"f will p',lei11v/'a'"1l'nl,'r' 1'l,et/,.'fi','s' 1trll,d'g"irnyipa"n1tie, Chm. Ilrs. ll 3cm". Mrs N. JG: J,.:,'))'.', , , ltl t t ... . . ' ticm. . nt _ . - .- : _ l . . . I .' ty' ... ':ir. [ Ity; The n,i.,l'/,i,Jr',r, Hall here in £33213. MI" w. vague.,,"..'"?,'.,',: In- gilt Wm. Arh'chlrs, M. Parker "it" 's' I . or the ow" .' " will scll tick . scare, and Cttrrc "a.] istori.. ts tll Iss. Mr- , r, A rccita . it ': I 'e' lltwin-(I Int (my?! Ill 'ptotwvrlr, 'Vi'lll'cltb ff Jiyt/..j, Home 13.105401)". Mrs. "I'IL' "(whim-link]. Anness and :7?" \thrs i t . . ' 'lvi0v II t' work tp - ca M. frs b", t I otmcs le er ty Mr . t . ttest . I ' Mrs Wn . Mrs H ltd . .'. " Porter: Ci . and I... , atultmcl. s. Mhn Rol ' .2 t iMuttite il . ttr. McAnstus "r. . " ttcation, Mrs IR _ ' ilizenshio & I I"ltei.iit; k'rs also . . Mott. 's. * - ""0 "I'lmilllt-I " aud Mrs 'munit N .".T."' . J. McGill: . . Tlw ellrow C". "W a chorus it. r' "WK! lnlw I . I to ossiM . y f ciivities and Th . ' Com.. I l "tttll, " Chum] . "' 1.. t ' - ' tstltl . . .., at tl ' M ' . ugh-l u. I 'mur . ti . . 1.1n the r, v I 'iry i. I if".'";',',")',':,' read I', '1.i1i,.t Mrs "was; 'll',"), It 1t),lli,s,1:r and td)"')?"; 'l,\\"":(l'"v an" o: 1" " "I with the béa'Vi::1"Ic.I it? r F . _ ' . cr, "am . . " . T l eso . _ '" y I . ' ttVK' . It ii'ij, I In]: Amuss rpm] " lulnc'tttmt and Mrs mating com 'll','.',,') Mrs. ilowe, ii C le courmituw. i' lunch was served 33555? I I , .ntcr tn hsoru nu tlu. mouo." Seil " rs. Jas. Cavill ' ("h _ tt Charge 'ii,':,'.', g him. W' "1mm; g" forth to wry J, .Mrcrlilmq Mrs. D I PM!1 ' Mrs: o. '. 'iii-i. ,7' . . b, s , . c. S. ' . . .r. S', ' . . _'iCs:',"). '. House lry4he Side 0?"? a solo. "The law he]. Neilly and, Mrs. Ccomdnms' ! t r',",';:'::::',::: _ 'Was nmcll ouioycd 1!"? 120ml." which all)'0 i, tties.."'; .next baby. 'Ji1dt",.it. . 'ii;')):', . jnonth, "Citiyi "1 it? unis for . k2 . . 3 rtar and sii , rs. ' . s',iil:; . I ' . Vas pres '.N16'iltp aud fidur. . tht ', iocial mil-hot rs. Johnston. . 'tri,ij) in»... ', d, _ Billed by Mrs R I Ration.- flllnch sierved b If followed witl . "ii",:,"',::,':::::'::::":: 'CGIIL (charge. ' the committee in I - , ' f _-----------, ' ' . J. , t u I"! ss:e.r,, .. l _ ' W} (i I. A