Paisley WI Tweedsmuir Scrapbook Volume 1, [1610] - [1967], p. 13

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i . """""'""v""""~t v - " - MNtsruNWNm. ~'"'x i W. I, St ONSORED ii-?jS.SEissi'uiiff.ysi, grave two piano solos iillTcrr jiietwiotfri. and on the Ode altd)1\4819 eon. t _ _ . . l ' 'B" -. COOKING SCHOOL were very much enjoyed. Mrs. th. .Stewart Collect. Mrs. R. J. Pearce 1""?! W A he' ad th Mar 13 . iMrAngns gin-c two papers on agrrcnl- voiced thanks to the sneaker on be.. ! rs. m. reier re e y Ih,, """l~i'i': cr"nool in the Town!itum and Canadian industries. Mrs. A. half of the Institute. Lunch was serv- (Stewart Collect and Mrs. R I . ' ""11 on lil"l'\iiil\' "ftrcrttoon s-cow) Anness gave a tleutoustratiou on mak- ed at the close of the meeting. J'tycyev,'23t,se,lttga,erot,.Be'. t "I . J. _ ',', . . . t ish " ".0- - J. ___ --- '_,.-_'__ .-- 2 C . ""Nh\m'lci il,,,',',,',',',: h of the yoTuisj" ti,",,':,,,.,'"",':',".':"",',;,,.,:",,,",;));,.,,""):," llailic-i. PAISLEY heeyy. GEN": , Historical research and '" Mt Irt/,'r in T l courtesy (if, J. " Lunch was stu-ICO bv the tinuuittcr: THE WOMENS INSTI' '"'0 ,events were given tr 'f,,.r,','i,g',,5"g' 'I'\\titl {lli'lit "Hill lo be i' mim- "Hui in chatge. . U ' The Christmas meeting oi. the Ittter. She gene brief m fad? " Jud,'.',,' I. ","1.s'".1t' Jill ladivs oi _ Eris IN TrioririiErrris . b W'omeis tttfive? ote,'li"e, ;','t",elu, yl'a do..." his" ,'lllti 'lip/y:.) attended the. WOM S [Pals-1:}, railolh of the mber 18 E. Pinkhattt yloreuce Nigliii 1LT. .' Nr . tt ls, Ctilt w,- "rc. _------....-.----- ',, ' ' itsti lite was weld on Decc ' . , siea (er a so i {whims i. taint- t'olh-it. home ('COlltHlliTli The l'aislev brain-h oi the "'23:"; in the Memorial Community Centre, . "il/ae/tff.,'.:,.,?,,.,',"']), J,"y',',iCllt'1it1 of t 1lt "kl-t, J,'),:' manufacture... was in Institute held its monthh C,,",',',,','.' "I. with 30 ladies ":05an Mrs.. Wm. "w game of polf, and in Clithlllfi- the .' "wt it 'st hot-I: and (y1/,.1si1',t1t,':1, the Menvorial 1..b..a,uyy,1,"ir1,.y",',1.'),dr, A.rc.her. the ["12dean occupicid' the ion spoke of the early settlers m a month... ',',r""s"/,Y/'.'" a"? s',11,c,i.,',t'rci, October loth. with 'ii.,,','")').,.,',',',').'.! M: chair. The meeting t"pe1ve.t.h,tt the village of 'l'aislcy: Mrs..las. , dishes In" it t tastv will ..xa,',1i1J:.1,1i,v,,1,, The. y1'fet..Mrs.. ol,),',")."),'.),.',',:'),,,',",,',." side :nd the Lord's Prayer, an llay delighted the '.tyo"ly with}: "us "'le t l mini") f Jx',,'.f//'"i,' grinned the chair. :lll',',1,'sidJ. ri-ad !-\ rs. zco. 101mb?" read the Scrip. solo, "When Irish liycs Are. Shirl- row" 'ir,',' (ly titt':\ illlttntu'll 'dl report and ,1,','it,_r"sr,.1t'"1Cii')"t: :l'larkcr. ture lesson. Minutes. reports and ing." Mrs. Jas. Cari" gave 31mm. atiett . . ie stint. er. S/ he 1 ,the y."""'."".".': it Is. 40th Psalm. correspondence were read by the iormis reading, which caused mug" . tum of it" " "home. She ctllploy- Mrs. ( assic Clark read the d It secretary. Greeting from an absent l hum} vlr'ctric and Drotmne Ras The Sunshine ctemeiiiet teel member, Mrs. Win. Sutherland, were daughter. ' . ... 1 ' ' r"Attutss ttt her cloinonstratioiis, and ex; calls Mrs las. Cavill read two '"'e"ls read Th r ll ll weretl Mrs. R, J. lance. 1ottorary 'lalll'l h . '. .. tto, "lf vott haven't . . e " ca was ans .'. . . ' I, the resi- l H to er listeners the advantages, relating to the mo f what vou with an exchange of gifts. prosuknt, was asked y .P of vrtrlt tttctltori. . -the best, make the best 0 ' Two demonstrations were featured dent to make, the first cut in the l, .-. "(to number f.. valuable door prizes. have." . f the meeting. "Home. idfurihg the afternoon-one on the anniversary cake, it being 51 fYear: b . c-- Riven away (hiring.r the afternoon/ The topic or Ith." was present- making of candy, by Mrs. N. Mc- .sillcc the d'aislcy branch o . I 'y1.werc all of the dishes 'Teparer.1.Vecoyomics and Hea v.1 r. and Mrs. "Allister. and the second, by Mrs. Women's Institute was organized. Miss Cullen. Proceeds of "he crinkmrzicd bv Mrs. Ir"eis/ I foil-met woke In Gordon McMann. on the its-e and There were M tttonUsers and Vim- srlmol will enrich tiiic Women's Instr-t Willord IC. (minimll' (my. altering of standard dress-making org present for the occasion. The ttrte treasury. "mm" living as 1? ciowith the smokes Patterns. Mrs. Walter SPOWI sang meeting closed with song, and .. . -- .-,. comparable to 'Idle',",.":,,'.',,'. home con a solo, "The Beautiful Garden of lunch was served by the committee . WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETS irepfcscmmg Jti'rli"i','.' hunter and the 11'ravcry and Mrs. Wm. Rolslon in charge. '. _ -- ---_-,' i ventCt1Ces. arena ia, read an interst- told t'llc.storv of "The Other Wise .' '-- -- _'. 7 - 2. , The Taislvv branch oi the Wismeu's. 'ith,"rvs',t,ar: ix"; Newness oi Life." Mau." Mrs. Gillies Parker was ap- ivhtgLttir BRANCH WOMENS i "Kim"? held the monthly meeting in, ill','.,,.'",),',',?,)'",,',",),', an informative talk pointed in I. representative on the iiNsrrrtrrE MEETS . . l'itO Mt-iimriai aniiinnitv Centre on on "Cancer and Its Prevention." Ami-is. o.lyuuuity Recreational (Ollllt'il. The February meeting of the 'r"ttt, 19th. H" IC "Tn" 2o "WNW" ay, dames Dione]. D. J. Potts and.Gillies . llu- program included the slum. Women's Institute was held in the Ty..'.','? Prest'ttt. Tht.' tit-chili!!! ""'sleii Parker. were aooointed to assist at We of Chr.isyyo:s carols, and at the Memorial Community Centre, with , 'trut' of thr, '"""'ie1 l rs. ii the health clinic on Ihtobtr 23rd: close a social halivhourwas enjoyed, 33 members and visitors present. Archer, and WM mmnwl m the "ma Mrs. E. Porter conducted a Fume" ptul refreshments were served by -Mrs Wm Archer tile president, oc- ttreutltaer. with Mrs. Wrn. Rolston read: and Mrs las. Lewis read an article re- the committee in charge. . uiied in. chair and Mrs. Elgin irtcr the "WWW" lesson. The secretary-5 lating to. the inspection of the Thorold mifzmT-T'zm 'l11'diLt,', cread the Scripture lesson. i _ treasurer. Mrs. ti. Father. read the', imam-r plant hV the Kennedy trlaut of E Several thank-volt cards were read minutes of tsrrvituts ttteetintt, and. gave] thven Sound. Mrs. Nelson Howe, as- PROGRESSIV in, the sccretaiy Mrs. Gillics Park- the treasurer's rent-mt. The Sunshine sisted bv Mrs. Chas. Kissack. gave n t The Sunshill'c committee report- crvrnmittee reported 12 calls. The 1'tl- successful demonstration of ilw tttakin-p, l 'di 15 calls ference, "Foods That Healthy Child-: and baking o4 an angel cake. I The Jiircan was answered with . . Ten Like," will. take place in the 21; At the close of the meeting rcircsli- each member naming their firstl orial f,";"',",',',)',,'",:',",,,?"""' on the a ter.. nents were served by the cttttttttitict' Memorial Community Centre, teacher. The topic. "Citizenship and! .9 . . s . " .. ... . mom: Cro. johnson gave a very hilt "Lg-TEC- PAISLEY, , grimly")! I,r;it'1/l),'.'1tc.vifie,,1,'i,r, revert 0? the trisitrict 1'rt1tee1ig WriDNr".sit,iv. notational: es. 105! ' FRIDAY EV G Liii i"hi'idiri,'C,.' 'rcmiini; on "Swat. "that Ll":s"'v mi ll'",,,",)",,,,' held in' """---------------------., T JAN 18 lowing a Fly." Mrs. Walter Spong men i', I,..':'"),',,""; J,',",",',,') Mrs "Wiforrl' PAISLEY W. I. MEETS . spoke on "Music." the T'ark tttt "l,",?,' Jii,rdiii'i account) "--------- 8 m The Child: Health. Clinic will be ' liippcl 'JI',"',,", 'l)'",,".)).), last winter. The The Novctuhrsr. iiiectiiiiz of the tPaislvv i ._.__._.P. L...... held in the Memorial Community! . of l/c.,',",,)"';,': with the National Ana branch of the Women's Institute was I Observing the Shit anniverAry Centre on lrclt. 20H." with Mrs. W: mocmhl much was served by the com/ held in the anorial' Community of the founding of the Paisley Direct. Mrs. Mutric and Mrs. (f thft". r " r e . i Centre, with the president. Mrs, Win. branch of the women's Parker assisting. The branch will niittce in c In q . _. ---r-_. - Archer, in charge. Mrs. D, J. Potts Institute cater to the Rebekah lodge "birth.. woMEN'S INSTITUTE ENJOYS ( read the Scripture lesson. The Sun- L . l: d day supper on March 9th, and a . ANNUAL PICNIC MEETING shine committee rctmrteil 14 calls. The unch.w:ll Mt tterve .,oottttnititee was named to complete The Pnislcv branch of the "frnncn'sl roll call was answered with a parade of Admission - Me 'the necessary arrangements. 'Theli . Irtstirr'ie held its annual picnic meet- old hitlS. a feature which was very ---------. "_-..-----.-- :03th 'tee with the (ivztmfhae . ing in the Horticultural ratio" Tues.. "$15111? from D li", Cameron of the W. L MEMBERS ENJOY ()J,1ti't, 'gtg.,",',', serve Y i . dav ',',t',C,',1'.ll' (pl-lt/lt,:,,,.";".,,::,')') ('liildfentiz. '0"J'di.'i, Sheietv of Bruce INTERESTING PROGRAM - . fr' -- g . - - -- , . ttttt?tttmitCt' o . ., _ . ", . _ . ' ' ' .. , . URES i",',l,d"/t'C _", y",,,",','.:" 11l,t, "rrdeie": 1av,'ls, 'gas/lad,;,,) "ti,tt,us'a"rt '/',r,',',1/reed The regular monthly .mecling oi "/2eiely,/).1.1ei1,fiet _ th' i rs. 'm. nrCncr atu . . . t JU.'. . h? 's i tm,','.':"";.""),,.',',',',,,.,'),',,'.." A bountii-uil picnic at Wallace Gretw's store this month. the iaislcy branch .Of the Woman The March mt'etiup, of the PL: "w Mrs. .. . J t ' . . . The Bruce Cross fees are due I" De- Institute was held tlt the Commun.. .. . . . ' c. . . . tt't' and mun time Walt enjoyed ' . . luau-i, ot the Womcis Institute WW liiiiiuif, and the secretary. Mrs. Wm. Ity Centre with oresideut, Mrs. . - ' iv cvtrryotu'. ,t . ' ..... ' . . " was held tit the Mi'morinl Lommtm- I " _ . - -_,____ Mel/thighs. will be at the Library on Wiiiun Arc; u the chair. 'llic . . ' .: PAISLEY w. 1. MEETS ! Dec llth from 2:30 to 5 o'clock. It .ier, , . ily (t-iltrc on March Hath. "tilt the . l was. also-voted to send $5.00 to the 9lst tl"siahn was read "Y Mrs. Geo., brcsricnt, Mrs. Wrc. Ar/hcr. tn the 'l'lu 'icviriulrcr "tortilla (if the I'ois/, Greece Relief fund. A committee was Johnsi-n. Mrs. Gillies Parker prc- "um?"- Mrs. Jas. Lewis read the I r Ivi.uro h of the Women's I"siitutei, named to fill the candv bags for the SCIElt'ti the secretary's and treasiir- sT)'tust 1.05%". q i was he" in the Memorial Comnumpv visit to the community of Santa Claus cr's It'itort.i,' Fifteen calls Wert. IN'- , l;:.s honing" the annual Grand- , ' , " with 2tr "tvnrlusrs, and visitors 'on Dec. 8th. . . 'l Brq ,. t . . . . mothcrs' meeting. the roll call.t.vas Lo", C, r.. . . ") Mrs Walter "mom: and Mrs. las. portul by the Stmslriue cmiiinittcc. answered by each member giving . . "rcscut. lhe meow-IF] "Mum "i thr, Hay .5311" solos which pleased the A letter from ll. W. Ca""'".'". the number of their grandchildren. ' l i ("'t'mmrv "1'1."/i','; "in t.,uysie.t..'/,t gathering litre Gillies Parker pre- Wsrlktrton, was mix. cxprcss1tW, The president vc-iccd welcome to ' Mrs. ie.. I 'i"',.')..',) I? It),.?,?,': Mrs. sentetl ainq'mrdoii the motto '1rhe- apricciation for the bale of clbth- the grandmothers and a gift was NN iiford mm," t't'ttt tire bcripture les', ilidice is being down on what no are in,. that was sent to the Children's I'I't""'"""tl lo the Rratultuother sol': " It m" was answer I l . n " not in) om" Mrs. Geo, Johnson cave a Aid Jinciety. Roll call was ginswcr- Prt'st'.ul, hlrs. thavid l'ortcr, an." to i ltr, ttt i . ' i'11' "N y a.'" i Paper on the history of the Union lack, ed by mcmlters giving the name "ml the runners-l. Mrs. Cook. Short ittp, a i"/i1.'",.CC'2."i""i) .,'llt'. Soshine,i (in Mrs. R. J. i'carcc Cave a Patter on birthplace of their grandtnother. rlt'to,v.i.uphics of famous urilllihlmthcrs ( t"',",",y"1',r,,/d','. c'0liud1.1'";lli,u, W, .i the {lying of the flag. . The Child Health Clinic will be weir 'uiven lw Mi-sylumvs Neill» . _ ' Tsid)',"." interesting Eh)"; i IT The m/est speaker for the afternoon held in the Cottmutuity Centre on 'lohuysu, Ctunutinp,, Pcsrce, si".'"tr. " i um": 'i1r,,',c,'iic2v' held h: Gucliili is: Pras, Mrs. J. Haines of Port Elgin. She January 29th. with Mesdames PP-' 'i'llc1ii1l and Mc/)1ister. A mare. w, ', rt , It 8:11;: "in" and 12th. Mr1Clyjaper intake of the friendliness pf the W. I. "' . . ,.. "w" . din; mas beautifullv rendered lye . _---------.-,

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