4. ttiq t , Thirteen years ago Hartley Stey-- .enson was a hydro linman climbi-- ;inp: poles, installing -- transformers, and doing a full day's work with the rest of the crew. Then an accident happened. He lost his sight, his; job, and his niche in the community, as he thought, for ever. For smnc'} time he sat at home regretting his! loss until one day a Canadian Na-- tional Institute for the Blind field-' man called on him. He invited other blind people to call, fnd aAs time| "Every one in the community is happy when they hcear of a suceoss-- ful blind person," said H. S. Mce-- Quay, chairman of the Owen Sound and Grey--Bruce Advisory Board, the Canadian }\Iational Institute for the Blind. Mr. McQuay went on to tell 'The Advocate of a case about which 'he had heard recently. Committee reports were received > and showed that the past year lta:l' been both busy and progressive. | Mrs. B. McArthur sang a solo. The : guest speaker, Reeve W. S, Forres--: ter, delivered an interesting address | on -- "Piublic Relations,." 7 At the anmnual meeting of the Paisley branch, Wpmen's Institute, held in the Memoria Community (Centre on April 15th, Mrs. William! Archer was re--clected for another term. Other officers named werc:l Honorary president, Mrs. R. l.i Pearce: 1st vice--pres., Mrs,. Wilford Dippcel; 2nd vice--pres., Mrs. Elginl Cuinining; secretary--treasurer, Mrs. Gillies Parker; assistant secretary,' Mrs. W. Gregg; district director. Mrs, Geo, Johnston; branch direc-- tors, Mrs. Wim. Roilston, Mrs, O. R. Seiler, Mrs. Jas. Hope, Mrs. E. 'W. Grant; resolutions, Mrs, W. Dippel: press, Mrs, H. Carlaw; auditors, Mr. H. Neilly and Mrs. Oliver Seil-- er; Sunshine committee, Mrs, R. J. Pearce, Mrs. Jas. Cavill, Mrs. Jas. Hope, Mrs. N. McAilister ; standing committee convenors: historical re-- search, Mrs. A. G. Stoddart; citizen.--' ship Mrs. R. J. McGill; home econ-- omics, Mrs. E. iPorter:; agriculture, and industry, Mrs. W.. Spong ; com-- munity activities and public rela-- tions, Mrs. J. Friar and Mrs. Nel--.| son Howe. | .0 M eCGill. A socint dint{--lour was enjoyed, and the committee served a deficious L turech, e 'MRS. WM. ARCHER RE--NAMED PAISLEY W. . PRESIDENT Institute Will Conduct Campaign To Aid The Blind »1 t D fitute members named to assist j she health cline on March 25th,; oo Mrs, G 'Parker and Mrs. R.J The --monthly mecting of the Paisley branch of the Women's [ Institute was held in the Memorial [ . Community _ Contre on Tuesday 1 evening, May 20th. ~--Fiftyv--five moembers and gnests sat :down to a very delicious pot Inck 5311=p,')p|' and following the meal, a : Dbrief business session was cnndu'ctc(]' 'by the president, Mrs. i\Wm. Archer. Mrs. Wiilford Dippel gave a very in--' tercsting talk on a recent trip to --_.Floridr which had been taken by herself and Mr. Dippel and their son. She showed cards and souven-- irs of the trip and otherwise present. ed a splendid word picture of the § trip into the southern resory stavtc]' _ At conclusicn ~{ber remarks, she 'was extended a vote of thauks on' «_ hébalf of the gathefing by Mrs. R! went ofn, Mr. Stevenson took cour-- age from-- the achi¢vetnents of his new friends, Learning to use a 'Braille watch played a large part in 'his fight back to normal liviug, In iPaislcy this vear the campaign is again in the capable and energetic hands of the Women's Institute, and the meimnbers plan to carry out an intensive thowse--to--house fcanvass, beginning next week. -- Eventually hbe took lessons in handicrafts from a sightless [lfome teacher apd began to realize that he could work with his hands in spite of the loss of 'his sight. Ar length he accaoPled a job in a shop aperated by the Canadian <National Institute for the Blind, and excelled in asseimbly of the common house-- hold fuse. After three years there, when he had become used to regular hours again, travelling to and fro on the street car alone. finding his way about the shop, and overcom-- ing the difficulties that beset the blind workman, he asked the C.N. 1.B. employment department to find him a job in regular industry. 'The blind placement officer approached the hydro electric. Stevenson's for-- mer employer, and a job was at once found for him. He is now in-- sulating motors, a task that involves the placing of gmall pieces of card.-- board in little slots located -- ail around the inside edge of the PAISLEY w. 1. ENJGYS POT LUCK SUPPER Mr. McQuay pointed out that in the present drive for funds to sup-- port the C.N.1.B., the sum of $8,000.-- 00 is required. This is an annual appeal to the people of Bruce and Grey, who have in the past, given a very generous response with their contributions. This year, it is hop-- ed that residents of the area will exceed the gencrosity of the past, in order that the excellent work ot the C.N.IL.B. may be continued with.-- out cessation, "'This type of rehabilitation | is costly," Mr. McQuay said, "but we don't mind spending the money, when the results are so wOorthwhil=--. Canadian National Institute for the Blind officers all over Canada can point with pride to dozens of such cases. We of the Owen Sound dis-- trict have our own successful blind emiployees and we who contribute to the C.N.LB. annual financial campaign have a big share in their success.," 2o motor. ~» v> sprt sstuPwane .. Pbranck of the Women's Institute gook the form of a picnic. Owing to weather conditions, it was neces-- sary to forego nlans to meet outside, and the special occasion was obsery. ed within the Memorial Community Centre. The president, Mrs. Wm. Archer, presided over a short busi-- ness period. It was decided that the brarch would make a $50 contribu-- tion boward the cost of a piano for use in the Memorial Community Centre. Following the business per-- 'tod, games and conteste .were enjoy-; ed by members and guests. As de-- licious Junch hbrought the mecting to a close, Mrs. George Johnson gave an in-- teresting report ou the district an-- nual meecting held at Southanwpton. Mrs, R. G. Grant gave a demonstra-- tion oi the making of sumamer sal-- ads and also provided many helpful suggestions on the art of salad making. This was very much en-- joyed by everyone. Mrs. O. Seiler, Mrs, Jas. Cavill and Mrs. Wm. Archer were named to assist with the next baby clinic. The July niteting will take the form of a pic-- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ENJOYS PICNMIC--BUT INDOORS The June meeting of the Paisley branch of the iWlomen's Institute was held in the Momorial Commun-- ity Centre with 19 members and six pucsts ])rcsci'lt'. Roll call was an-- swoered with "My favorite hobhy." The meeting opened with the Odc and a reading by the president, Mrs, Win. --Archer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Jas. Cavill, -- Minutes were read and the Synshine com-- mittee reported 26 calls. Lt was de-- cided to accept an invitation from the Walkerton W.L., to artend the Suptesifber meeting in the county town, A donation of $5.00 was made to the garden club, for prizes at the fall fair, and also $1.00 as a prize from the Institute. The jocal branuch of the Women's Institute is carrying on a quict "campaign to raise the required funds with which to purchase a piang for the Memorial Community Centre, 'There seems to be a mistaken opin. Hon among many citizens that there is already a piano in the Commun-- ity Centre. Actually, there was an instrument therg for many months, but it is owned by the Rotary Club, and when that organization movyed its meeting place back to the dining room of the hotel, the piano was returned there, too, So a piano 18 really needed for the Community Centre. The Women's Institute is asking other local organizations to contribute to the fund, after starting it "off themsclves with a $50 don. ation. !While we have not been ask. ed by anyone to "stick in our catr," the proposal to buy a piano is a _ Progressive . C checkers were (mainder of the c the euchre were and Charles Kiss Hope won the checkers. , PAISLEY BRANCH, BITS 'N PIECES J. Pearcee a paSt branch. July meeting of the Paisley e. euchre and Chinese re played for the re-- he evening. -- Winners it vere Mrs. Alice Amites$ Kissack, while Mrs. Jas. * the prize for Chinese past pretsiugift ueneor ihg=" good Oe liberty of ~bag amem Te M C P s !liber,ty of suggesting 'of our readers care to i the fund, such donat! most acceptable. W ithat contributions m¥ 'Mrs. Gillies Parker -- | The monthiy meeting@ of the Pais-- ley branch of tht Womew's Institute j ,'was held in the Memorial Commun-l jity Centre on September 16. The ! "1neeting opeired in the usugl maoger, ' with the Ode and the Mary Stewart ;C,o{lect. Mrs. R. J. Pearce gave the ° Scripture --reading. _ The Sunshine > 'committee reported 18 caffs. Te | treasurer's report revealed that the . piano purchased for the Menmtorial \Community~-- Centre would iye paid 'for in full as soon as all promised 'donations were reccived, _ ; . % _ Mrs, Gillies Parker and Mrss. R. 1. Pearce were named as defiegates 'to the conference to be held in Kit-- chener on October 7 and 8. The members were reminded that there will be an auction Bale of articles mdide from flour bags at the Oc-- tober meeting. At the same meet-- ing, members of the Williscroft brauch will be guests, jpaisiEy w. i. RESUMES IREGULAR MEETIMGS 3 On September 4th, members . of Iche 'Paisley branch were fuests on 'the Walkerton W. T. There was a 'good attendance and the visit was 'very much enioved 'wWOMEN'S INSTITUTE ENJOYS 'INTERESTING PROGRAM ! | The Paistey branch of the Wo-- "mcn's Institute met in the Mem-- 'orial Community Centre on October 2ist, The meeting opened in thL customary manncer, and the Scrip ture was read by Mrs. Wm, Rolston. 'The Sunshine committee reported making 20 calls. A communicatio)! from a wall paper company was 'read, asking the branch if it desired Lo sponsor a demonstration on honve ;uccoralin,',r as put on 1')' the com_'- bany . This matter was left in the hands of the executive. An invitd-- tron was received to aitend t!f¢ Home and Crafts demonstration At the Elora Road school on Nov. 12. [ Members of the Williscroft branch were guests at the mceeting, and pro-- {vided two numbers for the program, ;f\irS."llarold McKay gave a rczid- ng, "Cooking to Music," and Mrs, 'I'Iarvc\v Grant and Mrs. Murr y ;'("'f'"t saing a duct, which was mugh CtJjOoyed. uges i am se a AEP CX n _ "USs V. Turnin, Bruce Coun y Health Unig nurse, presented a vety interesting tall on the organizatison 'and opcration of health units. Miis. R. J. McQil gave a paper based ':in 'the Institute} motto, "Wholesome Homes Are Stepping Stones to 'a Great Nation," Mrs, E. Porter gave a paper on the preparation pf {foods for home freczing, and described t! kind of foods to use for best sati faction, Miss y, MHealth Uniq interesting 4 and operati, \_Two. very inleresting papers On "Industry and Agriculture" were given by AMfrs. Walter Spong. Those were followed by a demonstration on the manufacture of berry hoxes 'by Mrs. Howard Carlaw. The meet= ling closed with a social half--hour. and eC 0 l l.l de 0j suggesting that 4f any ders care to contribute to guch donations would be Ltable.-- We undentand may be made to