P3B|-- I o Mrs. R, i. Pog Parker gave a the Gucinh area Kitchener. A 5 meeting was an 2 0 N CS P l'carc s44+ n CnHa'kg of int @eXCCt Parker gave a 5,)e|e:t:1?erzs' Gilli 'Jas. Hay favored the gat thF Guelph area convention p'l?::d a solo. Rev. 1. S. Linst Kllch.encr. A special feature of t1 interesting Christmas me glrctgt'mg was an auction sale of tll : {Bl 'S:od(larl pli:lyt"cll" nr ic ; 'hristmas earols. > sackse,s ',:Tl':i}:oby.mc"")"s \'x:um '"0' Zanswcrc;:l \:illr\\ an cx("'.tnn ing of article was a ':W\cmh(l s.\ofl The meeting eclosed wil ard Carlaw ;Q .a"d with Mrs,.Ho,f Clristnias Alunch, which a total 1000 2s thc.aumoncd_ by the ladies in chargt to a nf_ $1(3.00 was realized. , Lluse es me':'t""'f'"'ZTllnn was given for pa _ PAISLEY W. 1. HOng dcleg-uoc the Kitchener cmwgmf' BiRTHDAY MEET! ates expenses and the prmtd in qf the branch progams. The exec The -- January weet" tive was instructed to deal wifl'l Paisley branch of the l'equest. to serve a dinner for t Institute was held in the Masonic lm!ge. The roll call w Communty Centre with | answered wih a favorite cookie t 0 tendance. The mecting. cipe, and these were exchanged by _ $ those present,. The meeting closed ; _ Whe annual observa'ncco with the NationalAnthem aml' birthday, opened in the Ju1trch was served., mannci:, with the Ode W. 1. WILL ASSIST SANTA CLAUS COMMITTEE The branmch contributed $5.00 to:} the Christmas Seal campaign and a}\ bale will be sent to the Children's' Sholter at Walkerton,.. Roll: call was answered with tcelling of some-- thing to be thankfiut for during the pas; month.. Mrs. Gordon McMann gave a thoughtful talk on "Grace," The regular meeting of the Pais-- ley branch of the Woren's Insti-- tute was theld in the Conmnmunity Centre on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs, Wm. Archer, the president, occu-- pied the chair and ojcned the mest ing with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. J. D. Potts read the Scripture lesson from JamesS5. a five--letter word packed ful! of" meaning -- She spoke of the Bible! as a mceans of grace, depending on how it is read. Salvation depends: on God's grace., ; Two contests were conducted by Mrs, Walter Spone. Mrs, Wilfogd Dirpel and Mrs. FEigin Cumming, tied for first place in the first con-- test, and Mrs. Cumining and Mrs: R. |. McGill tied in the second. | Four members of the Institute, Mesdames R. J. Pearce, Geo Johns--; on, C --Parker and R. J. M.cGill.\ agreed to fill the candy bags for the Santa Claus dav. and Mesdames| J. D. Potts, Wilford Dippel and W | Archer, will assist at the next health clinic. ' in the custeqnary nanne Ode and Mary Stewvart Miss K. MeBDeath read Miss C. R. L. Fisher gave an in-i f teresting talk on inc«xpensive Christ-' ' mas gifts and demonstrated the, making of flowerd from old nylonm > hose and the painting of figurines.! The demonstration was hoth inter--: esting and profitahle and was much enjoyed by the members, The meet--' ing closed with the National An--! them. A social half--hour followed and lunch was served by the com--| mittee in charge. | PAISLEY BRANCH WOMEN'S ; / INSTITUTE PLANS FOR , ' DEMONSTRATION 1 carce t Migj. .. Stoddart gave two inlcr-" est"rs papers on the Ivistory al tiei An sls in -- Church and on current evon's, _ Mrs, Wilford Dippel gaye a poper on a _ farmer Eaisley and Bruce bownship man, J. H. St.nl-\ ford, who has achicved success as a --{fuous inanifacturer, She also! ' spoke in regard to the life of Isa--| belle U:aaney Crawford, who came with 'ber parents from England in 4898, 'lhe Crawlord (amily, of 12 children, settled in Paisley, where they iwcsided for cight ycars. Miss Crawvion d became one of Canada's most famous pocts, in charge of the executive. Mrs. 'Jas. Hay favored the gathcring with a solo. Rev. E. S. Linstead gavye an interesting Christmas messgge. Mrs. E. Stoddart piayed a nymber c Christmas earots. The roll call was answoered with an exchange of pifts, The meecting closed witlh it specsl Christmias Afunch, which was served by the ladies in charge. The _ January | aneetif@ Paistey branch of the Institute was held in the Communty Centre with a tendance, The mecting. 1 _ The-- EFebruary -- mecting of the Paistey branch -- of the Women's Anstitute was held in the Memorial 'Commumity Centre, with an attend. ance of 38 members. The mcecting copened in the customary manner, tand the Scripture was read by Mrs. R. J. Pearce. Thie Sunshine com-- mittee reported 18 calls. _ An appeal for a penny round--up for mental health work, was read, and it was decided not to undertake this project at the present time. Members were advised to secure, tickets before March 5th, if they: desire to attend the provincial Insti--; tute mecting to be held in Maple: The -- January fmcetimI' of the Paistley branch of the Women's Institute was held in the Memorial Communty Centre with a good at-- tendance, The mecting. which was Whe annual observance of the brauch birthday, opened in the custoimary mannci, with the Ode and Mary Stewrt Collect, aud the Scripture read by Mrs, Ernest 'Porter. 'The Sunshine -- comumittee reported 1 A gssecial committee was named to arrange for a etuclhre party. PlJlans were »Is> made to cater for the an-- nual Rebekah birthday party in Fobruary. t The meeting closed with the Na-- tional 'Anthem, and a «felicious lunci was scrved by the committee in charsee, Mrs, R. J, Poarce, a past president, was given the honor of cutting the birthday cake. PAISLEY w. 1, WILL sPONSOR DEMONSTRATION ;ys(flT'J:;:illll;l Mrs. J. Haines of Port Eigin, i. president of the East Rnice Wo-- t two imcr-" men's Institute, and Allan Watl, as-- story ol tiei sistant Bruce: Coumty Agricultural y current | representative, spoke to the i«rge: Dippcet gavyt gathering. and explained the aiins Faisley and | and objects of ftive Junior Institutes, J. H. 5(-1[-\ and the means of organizing a new 1 suceoss aSl branch. _ Other-- speakers included . _ She also} Mrs, Win. Archer, president of the life of 1st | Paistey hbranch of the senior Wo-- 1, who c20¢' men's Institute; Miss Jean Steck-- England in ; ley, Bruce County home cconomis}; amily, of 121 Mrs, May Toddé of Tiverton; Miss isley, where Hejen McConnell of Kincardine: years. Miss Miss Mary McCurdy of Chesley. of Lanada'sl and Mrs. Wilford Dippel of Paistcy. mt nentg * "T492 00 er~~ meat Gariens on Aug. 25th, Mrs. R. J. McGill was in charge 0f the! topic presentation, "Citizenship and Eduvcation," and interestiig vaPErs were given on each one. -- Sponsored 1 ristey DrANC _ /Pie report also showed 30 I Sponsored by the Iaisley branct --~The report also showed 30 brauches of the Junior Farmers ,a special in the ,district, with -- five new meeting was held in the Momorial | branches thaving been oganized dur-- Community Centre on Wednesday | UE the y®, two semior, at Bfadley evening. April Ist, for « urpo and Underwood, and three jumor, at Wls P st, i9? PCP '. D(.se Walkerton, Paistey and Tara. Tot'al of organizing a local and district 'dstrict membership is over 1,050. branch of the Junior Instibute. Jas ; | [Progressive reports on the work McKay, presiden; of the lumior _ of the branches were given by thc Farmers, occupied the chair, and in-- -- Standing convenors : Mrs, Ed Couke, troduced the speakets. ' ~S':r)utlmmpton; Mrs. l', Scigucr, Mrs. J. Haines & Port Eigin, Walkerton ; Mrs. \.V. Miller, Tara; e . * Mrs, Mel Black, Turners; Mrs, A. president ~of the East Bnsce Wo-- q 'Feasdale, Dobbinton; Mrs, Wil-- n}en's Institute, and Altan Watl, as---- {ford Dippel, Paistey, and Mis. J. H. sistant -- Bruce: Coumty Agricultural Maxwelt, Clhesley. representative, spoke to the a«rKe ~© Miss Elaine Found of the Home gathering, and explained the aiims | Economics service, explained the | and objects of tivre Junior I{lslilu.tcs. co--o,crative program. GAVE WALL PAPER _ _A hearty DEMONSTRATION . cred Mrs, . of North Sponsored by the Paisley branch committee of the Women's Institute, through [programs . courtesy of H. L. Matthews, a wall . Tiwn: w 'paper demonstration was held in te s Town Hak on Friday afternoon, rogard E" May 8th. 'The demonstrator, Mrs, 'Bruce Con M. Tilson, introduced to;the gather-- Prepare a ing of ladies by Mrsy. Wilford Dipe new year. pel, W. I. president, gave instruc» Bay, well-- tions on the newer and siinplér,fl{oard dire The new officers woere installed by Mrs. Haines, who stated that the Paisley hbranch is Uthe tenth to be organized in Bruce Cournily, Foellowing the meeting, the vorng people enjoyed dancing,. With Miss Mary McQurdy pre-- siding, the following officers were elected : 'resident, Ruth Zcigler; firs vice--president, Fern McKay; second _ vice--president, _ Christina Duonlop; _ secretary--treasure?s, -- June AMexander ; program convenors, Le-- nore FPearce andt Margucrite Howe; county director, Edith Ruthven. -- The meeting voted unanimmusly in .. favor of organizing a -- Jmnior Institute for Paisley and district uy = o en on N pgrcgrrn ez on V C TL 0 1 , +1+ Eic neg g comm en n oC 'methods of hanging wall paper, and ialso;adviscd on the propet 'use of wall paper in interior decoration, , A most interesting . film on interior decoration was also shown by Mcrs, Tilson. " yee ul -- _ The Eag Pruee DistricL W Institute held the anmual en in tee United Chures ar T "Pnarsday Miax 218s1, with terrdanee of nearly 200) _ del The president, Mrs. J. D. Ha Port |,.|gi"' 0|)Cll(.'(| [lll' ll\('t'ti? the -- gathering -- enjoyed com singing under direction of M Spong of Paisley, and Mrs . Clark of Bradley, at the Pid humorous reading was giv?" 1 Herman |Rowe of Owen Sout Mrs. S. McNaughton of B federated board director, sed the meeting, and spoke all--time high growth 6f the 1423 branches in Ontarip at 31, 1953; 80 Junior branches newly organized, with a mon of 5457. She also reported t | girls had reccived scholar | wards, four year courses aq A.C., and announeed | tfi Memorial -- Fund Wwas | close reaching $800.00, * EAST BRUCE W MEETING MELD Vnarsday_ May 21s1, -- with an """ (orrdanee of wearly 200 delegales. Lhe president, Mrs. J. 11. Haines of Port Rigin, opened the mecting, "-_'"' the -- gathering enjoyed communtity singing. under direction of Mrs. W. Spong of Paisley, and Mrs Horace Clark of Bradley, at the pianu. A. humorous reading was give" by Mrs. Hermian iRowe of Owen Sound. / 'The fin@necial statement, given by the secretary--treasurer, rs. Frank Kennedy of Tara, revealed trat there ihlid been total receipts of $10,000.58, with a balance of $2° 303.81, witti receipts for the district of $393.28, with a balance of $18G6.10. 2 e s A A hearty vate of thanks was ered Mrs. Norman Simith. pres of North Bruce district, and BJ 22 CC CCNE comimittce, who traq judged | the programs of 1953 . _ There was a lengthy discussion in regard to the proposed mugerm for 'Bruce County, and it was c'.«'ridc.-l to prepate @a report on this betore the 'new year. Mrs, Gattis, of Colpory's Bay, well--known retiring federated iboard director, was nominated for 'the post of provincial presideaut by 0 The afternoon session opened w'ith :conmmnity singing, and Mrs, A. McDougald of Soutih Saygeen, gave the Scripture reading. Mrs. Clayton led in prayer. 'The address of wel-- come was given by Mrs. Geo. Faw-- sett, and the reply by Mrs, Thom.as Cornish, Chesley. The program in-- cluded recitations, piano and vocal mumbers, readings, and a Gemon. stration by five mentbers of the branches club girls, "Cottons May Be Smart," each modelling the dress thiey dhad made, and with Mrs, H. Bierworth as leader, Eceived scholarship a. yoir courses aqg the 0, anmnotneed | the Mhiir un | was closed -- after ~C, WIGH a membershi also reported that siv of thanks was tend . 1, ANNYAL AT TAPA dirCctor, nddr(s_ hton of Blucvale Smith. nresiden} comveutit qmiclt Ma--ch and 35 of trec i if» rive hber the M1