Paisley WI Tweedsmuir Scrapbook Volume 1, [1610] - [1967], p. 18

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2 More and \nrore Womet's Insti-- , twtes seem to recognize the meaning " of Christmas in their programs and their activitics at this season. In common with other organization's they have a good deal of carol sing-- ing at their December mcetipgs and demonstrationsy of gift wrappings and Christmas decorattions. Several branches have reported the reading of "The Christnimas Carol" and at Jublitee Institute, the uiemb::rs act-- HMW HPLITRUNASS CC OT C "* Auininnlintsicta ol actbeneanintni ies tiniee. ied ted "hie dfamtous Dicken's tta e of Tiny Tim. Often there is an up-- eurge of: friendliness at this time. The Decentber mecting niay take the form of a pairty to which ail the women of the community are jmwvited. Frequently there is special entertainment for children, | compainmeinit by Mts, Kon.Mur. _ Mirs, A. Maundrell of Soutiamp-- i®n, the 'tistrict president, was the guest speaker for the afternoon, and delivered an 'informative an inter-- esting address on the provincial W, I. organizition, pointing out thai it now has a membership of mors than 44,000 women. In conclnudi'ug her remarks, Mrs Maundrell piserved thas "what we do tor ourselyes dits with us, but what, we do for others, But the Institute's observaiice Of Whe season poes decper than this, In reports of tast year's December mreetings, we find such items as these: Bernie had a talk on the motto, "Let's Not Leave 'Clirist Ourt of Christmas," and a paper on the Christmas story. At South River a glergyman spoke on "Putting Christ Back Intop Christmas." Several programs included the readihg of Van Dyke's story, "The Other Wise Man." The Saiem Nilestown women $elt that the Christmas season was & god'd time to thave a Salvation Army officer tell them about his work With delinguents, and their own responsibility for the unfortun-- ate. And the Lakeficld report says : "For our December mcoeting One member from each church d&nonyxin-- lives on." * A "white clephant" safe will hbe teld at the mext mecting in Novem-- ger _ Hostesses 'are. Mas, w, Arch-- gr, Mrs. D. Porter, Mrs. Wm. Rols-- toun, Mrs. H., Mrs. G. CFletcea-- er and Mrs. R. M«Kay. ' cHRISTMAS wITH THE WOMENS INSTITUTES ation was asked to contribute a number to the program, TWis con-- sisted of solos, readings and the Christmas story, The, denomiinations takimg part were Anglican, United Chuwrch, Presbyterian, Baptist, Ro man Catholic, and Gospel Hail. Everyone camd away fecling that wnity Was amn esschtial part of the Chr.fstmas spirit, -- Women's Institutes have varied| ways of creating what we .call "the| Christmas spirft.' . Willougly re--, porta: "We cach bring sonvetIting} to put in boxes for the needy in the. community -- and" something for & soldier in hospitals It brings out! the Christmas spirit and we usually have a good turnoit;' 'Rockwood, says: "We packed a seventy --five pound box for a needy family. who had recently lost their muxtiler, In, 'contrast 'to other mecings» which were mostly, for our ofw1nemtertain-l mont we folt that we wore expres--; + nB c 'simg the true aimg of Bfiz_iiWStilutc.'--f" 'Harvie Settlement secretary wrotei '""Our Christmas party for the mein.' hers' familiecs did a log for all of n§ because our children were a part. of it." Cowal enterlained pre--school. children ard thie attendatice.. of, mothers _was much farger than' ;fi"st';'ll. Often the Li'-.'s:i{fiE joitts iv.ii'li' other gr0uP5 in providing a Christ-- mas tree for the children of the: community. . The South Mountain} woemen imnade a Sainta Claugs outiit| for community use, So gociability: and friendliness have a special place in the Institutes' observance of Christmas. During the Uusiness session, it was agreed to sponsor a canvass in aid of the Canadian Institute for thie Blind, with Mrs, Orville McLean as the convenor. 'The branch wil also sponsor the 4--H Girls' Ciwh, and avill assist Mrs, Nelson Howe in its organlzation and promotion. Ths sum of $10.00 was donated to the fund for the International Convei. tion in Oeylon this year, while $2.00 was contribluted to the Christmas Sea) fund. Mrs Alex Forbes was nabmed to assist Mrs, Victor Tanner at tlie child welfare clinic for this amoatth, Mrs, Jas, Caviil was desig-- mated as a representative of the. jdocal bramch for the presentation of, "a TV sat to the women's section uP | Friendliness is expressed in tery tangible Ways. too, In inmany Insti-- tutes the dmvembers answer the roli call by bringing rifts for children. PAISLEY W. 1. CONTRIBUTES TO CHILDREN'S SHELTER a branck member, Miss Kate Mc. Beath, who is a patient in the hospi-- tal at Chesley. Mss, Vigtog Tanmver and Mrs, E. Vance offered their services as assisténts at the baby clinic on g't'q!,zsth.. The meeting voted to dohtribute $25.00 to the Children's. Shelter, at Walkerton, The memibers enjoyed carol sing-- ing, and Mrszlex R,. Keith gave an address . onithe Christmas season. Ste urged tl'i'at we should hold the Christ in Gur hearts, not only at this Chrismas . segson, but through. out the year, [ Roll call was answer-- ed with an} exchange of &#f's. Lunch was setved by 'the committce Mirs, E, Cumpling. Mrs. E. Noble, Mrs. W.. Dippel, Mrs, O. Maci.ean and Mrs. O Seiler. The Paisley brauch of thie Wo-- men's Institute met in the Memovial Community Centre, on January 18th, to mark the 54th anmiversary of its organization. The president, Mrs. Wilford Dippel, was in the chair. Fo.lowing the customary opening, the Scripture was tead by Mrs. . Noble, PAISLEY BRANCH OF W, I., ; OBSERVES 54th BIRTHDAY .; on eorgemmpige e re us ns on ie n tene coaain 2; on es t es the Bruce Coumity Home. at Walk-- prton. A letter of dhlanks from. the fire brigade 'was read, in connec-- dion, iwvith a doitation toward the pur-- thase of an inhalator. \ d PAISLEY -- Importance of tact in relations with individugls and the public, was stressed by the Rev. Frank Tomkinson, Paisley, speaker at a meeting of Paisley Women's Institute. Mr. Tomkin-- son spoke on "Public Relations." as e e t 1 1 B 0 200 TaF PAISLEY -- "Agriculture and Canadian Industry" was the topic at a meeting of Paisley Women's Institute, MrsS. Nelson Howe pre-- pared and read a PAPCT on agri-- culture and Mrs. J. Friar read a paper on conservation, relating to the Sauge¢n watershed. A quiz on conservation was led by Mrs, R. J. Pearce and Mrs. C. Thornbufn and A flower contest was conducted by Mrs. Geoftge W. Johnston. Mrs. James Hay contributed a vocal sclection. Mrs. R. J. Pearce was appoint-- ced district director, succeceding Mrs. W, Dippol. Delegates named to attend the district area con-- vention in Guelph are Mrs. B Porter and 'Mrs. Ale:: Keith,. Plans wore made for an antique display at Paisley Agricultural Fair. Mrs. N, Home described 4--H Club work and displayed articles made by members. Mrs. Alex Keith discussed the motto, "Char-- acter, like embroidery, is made stitch by stitch." Subjects chosen for extension courses were "Medicine Yesterday and Today," and "Aids for Effec» tive Speaking." Members were ad-- vised that the district annual will be held at Walkerton June 6, and the rally in' Southampton August 3. Mrs. . Vance and Mrs. D. J. Potts were named assistants to the child health clinic. Named as leaders for the 4--H Girls Clubs were Mrs. N. Howe, Mrs. C. Thormmburn, Mrs, J. Friar and Mrs. Jack Pearce. Mrs. V. Tanner and Mrs, O. Seilor were named assistants at the chlld hoalth elinic. * . f[;";vtamily' who sustained loss ky ifirc. PAISLEY --«+ A film, "Ncw' Hearts for Old," shown by Lorne B. Evans, highlighted a meeting 'of Paisley Women's Institute in 'the Community Centre. Roll call was. answored by enumerating daily health habits, , _ The program included a solo by Mrs. James Hay, accompanied by Mrs. E. Stoddart and a poem, by Mrs. Alex Kelth. 2 pPAISLEY WI JDonations were voted to Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton, and ' Mrs. V. Tanner and Mrs. M. Mutrie were named assistants for the Child Health Clinic. Roll call was answered by giv-- ing a quick dessert. Hostesses for the meeting were, Mrs. A. Keith, Mrs. Donald Watson and Mrs., M. Mutrie. PAISLEY -- Home economlcsl and public health were featuredi at the meeting of Paisley Wo--! men's Institute convened by Mrs. Alex Keith. 'Mrs. R. J. Pearce read _ an article on "What !s home eco-- nomies." and Mrs. James Cavill presented twenty tules to follow for easier house cleaning. Mrs. Wilfred Dippel, speaking on pub-- lic health, pointed out the con-- trasts of past and. present in treatment of polio, diphtheria and typhoid fever. . -- Lorne B. Evans showed a film dealing with the early stages of cancer. Mrs. E. Porter presided at the meeting and Mrs. George Johnston read the Scripture. "]'\,-va-';.wi-loward Carlaw acted as auctioneer in a white elephant{ sale from which $13 was realized. _ B ARMOVAAEA SA O C CG -- & t %hfiz'ihité at théit--regular meeting for February, 8. F. Ballachey} for. mer reéeve and busineg6. mani, ang prégent imember of the. county library. board, related Bruce Coun. ty history and discussed education and services ih the county. 1 Mrsg, E. Porter presided for the business period, when 3 donation was, voted to the St. John Ambu-- lance 294 Mrs. V:; Tanner and Mrs. DP Potts were appointed as-- sistants for the health clinic. The roll was answered with sugg tions -- f0" community impro ment. 20| 0 ). L. ' Mrs. * business was, vot lance 4 MEIVCET®® £ Mrs. R. J. McGill was convener of the program. Mrs. J. T. Howe' discussed in an interesting talk the motto, "A community is like a ship; everyone must be prepared to take the helm." Hostesses were| Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Potts and Mrs, ®. Vance. P ; » Aadtétising . th !PAISLEY INSTITUTE HostEsses TO MEMBERS 'OF ELORA ROAD WJ. Members of the Elora branch wore guests ol Women's Institulte at the C nity Centre for the Octobel Ing. Mrs. E. Portor presic roll was answoered -- as 0V related facts pertainivnE royal fnmily. * Mrs. Alex Keith, who h8t? _ resented the Paisley branch © convention in Guelph, prescor her report of the sessions. ® Alex Forbes and Mrs. VC 'T ner were appointed to assisd the child health clinic. Members of the visiting provided the program WH' Jack Patterson in chav'gt Neil McArthur read a prem pos to the season, and MYS: Chappell and Mrs. John P gon sang a duct, "I See the N Mrs. Norman Beech read & terestihng paper, dealin8 "Public Relations." MrS-- pd dale conducted a pict"'"© co who hbad 1 / branch at i ph, presc'ntm' By : Wohign'g ie pdecd . 4) |v|l'l!!ll( . l" " _ Road Paisle. 'qmrin t rPale' l\v[()()l' -- an E" \\'i" c{omnte"? mt apro w rs© v]'l] SV *(5r fr1t 119' Sx

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