%6\-LD . l _ Vomit. ttttttttttthit V . ,1 . . 1;; i, ," ." W 'j.' 'c-. 1* I.' _.' S 'ir-ii-iii C To the rural t'itttttll, " Canada , Febrnar ttr, 1947,.weB-r8 Tttinet?, T b. "r , , it??? ic-iii-ii-iii-ii:-,'::-' 5; m " marked new" 1ii'GTt'l'lli';' " tie magma 111081.13" styled':',?,"'." ': _'..,:,,:':' A _,'; Women's Inatitnteé "t,ttt unlikely that at! "19 if 'i,/lii'iil'i,ig1,t,p'i,Ltft in '. . .sp,",a',i, a i ' wives who gathered in a small than. villa? " that Finger nstt h . 7 S31 a,-:s5:',iri'iii'-,' .! Ttwr, realized how profoundly the itei,it'siiii they "" I," " trttt" t it ' l ij)),)') g e Lives of countless thousands of rural women in ttttutr' P81?" " tly "1-. that . (T. v'ri'i)'i' l Hone there could 611093 that from the A'rC'iri'/ii4rtriirir"itri'ittt1,'stly',t "termed . ..3 'iii-ri-iii-s night emu err-tan intern» lanai fellowship "rural ""11 ftutttt "1" rt'! g than a score " countries, Suited by tieirii'iti iihitr annuals. , _ a '.. V "Iii)., _itj,ri' ' . lBhe women had dturhertid to hear. an "irrtiri'rty 1lttNis Mi1at,t1e :.pitt!itriyay" . . ', a"? _:,',i',ii-li-; . " wife " the mum- "? the ttatiGa.ok/iiriian thencerb! tspirit, M41???" [ - _ t).t'ii,f 'i-_-i-ii-ii-' . A amt. time I'm". no. Headway inhuman mum " a vi.stts.tldi " x ', (ri'ij,i:,ii; "iir,'i,ril:ii' l l being fed impure milk and thtyij',aiAeinirfiriiii north work " save "her . e . , 'lt's',ilsiv's, ',i-,:ii-i, : W, I babies. iron in similar rate. She than invited to were" ii meeting " the It (g: S i' Farmera' Institute " Saltfleet Township and were suggested trite fern- . r, "' "ll,)'.! 'sk':' S ation of a similar organization for. the farmer wives. On February tir, "if? I a . 1897, these womenveane together at Money creek, and the first women'e 3 g S ', . Institute was formed. S ' ' ' ' ~-,S /.')s.1". S S " ' . . Growth of the movement- t . ' " '. ' . ' l . :51}? l a _ "WE Mrii primer nine of improti heme it nditione i d affordin' _ . _ S opportunities for 'iLITl'r',t wrung: " meet together 'lt, 1'2red%, (e, S and atpdy, the new organisatien met a very. real need in thuutddatranisl, . ' _ . S life. The organization Spreadrapidly end by 1918 Women'b Inst itutee were _ , ' ',' ' i established in all nine canediem provineem S er" S A . ' . l . J: S . , 11131313131. the onthreakSoSfSthe war, ot_.1914-I918 ereated a need. for). E t . combined effort among eoimtryjo'men. part immig- 11rimguu.ttrep irttut the" S: 1, production and taytsejiitatop9t,i,ti" In I915, Ira. A1ftih.8.1rttt't_, a . ' ' r S. . member of then-dinner: Sheree: lemen'a Inetitntee in Britiui'tuutttrtti, . . . ', C brought the queet ion, of the iorhation of 1lt)tttbh.'t.t Institute!) in England _ . 2 before the Jurattim1irqrrtt1 organization'soeiety. This society gave their. S :'r, ' l enthusiastic support to the idea'and It's. watt later Joined their staff 3 f V an Women's" Institute organizer." _. , S . . ' . g i Rural women in other enntriee em became interested in this '. . , 1 f- . Canadian-torn organiaat ien B, and augmenting with einilar aime and . S 1 . methods: of working, but not always ealled "Institutes", were eateblieh? S . ed " many parts of the worldg'i'oday, a partial list of eenntrie'e in' T ' 's, which Women's Inst unit", or their equivalent, are-active; mm memo _ SS . Australia. mm Zealand, the United States, sent}! Africa, Burma, Sweden S Switzerland, 'Paleet ine, India. France, Denmark, (nylon, and Estonia t, . S nowhere from these and other eonntrieaar'e affiliated 'GGUi'i'rii'/tttt _,' 1 F Q ' . 2,2tit,,1? Associated gantry Women of the World, " whieh lire. Hat: is . " SS . (, Canadian Institutes- ederated. S 3 Meanwhile among thi"iriiirTi"in Institutes the need f ai " / ' .'. I S l 'td body had arisen. Consequently, " I919, delegates 'lsft),,t/ltitifdtt/tiiir' E 'r lr' . . . 2112.322; met 11; Wingiposi militegi and the Federated iriiiirEeii"t 'lrlll'llu,, a F, are .iorme nner e eid "ee', . _ PyNiu1"M, .' i I Canadian. Image Email} Ital-play. tlt an" " a distinguished and 1ulitr'ek " f _ Today. under the Federated women's tniitltmtrea " ta d ', -e T h , " 000 rural women are organized "for Home and G ' tt no. a, ttyrr,tt than . S- . iri'Gi; Pte, In'et 1mm. _ . . "at" In ttttmt ithtin . S A Itt.1tunttLt.1 meeting of the r.w.I.c. to be h V 1'/ S S rr Beetie, June 9-13, 1947. and at thejari'enb' i,l',/r't,l"'ih't,di,')1dte,, Nota. . . (, E : _ eonfereneeejthie year, the Mth. t)nitiir1mtteir if the running "113111" S S S . '"",2Pgtlgtt,til was ii'ih1/l,ittiyl: ' f _ . e . g t , f o erete 1tintfti. s,Stit'iirrthitett.. ti' edema 11k ' . ., . t l, f» -,, in "rytt).rttttvuittsttt),trruii,iinit' tuiroaruittit) in 'ir'sih'/ll,','.."citttlt, Institutes, " . _'. I. i , . eo-erdinating the inert. andjerting tuir,it "iiiiiTiiu'ii'i'Giii'iil for " ion t." " C. _ . ._" ' of the pretine-iel ptt'ttyatlarir', the PM." 1.0. he the following !,it,",e,"i,1,r.)il'r,,yeli.i l ' . it 29' rune the iiupittiii1, " Jitttrtitati1crntr. ' "etrrviiiit . i,".. . _ g.ageeezgzp'amefinub. '., . t . .- ' ' . -". . S . . . . . (, "hostage": l tt 'iiw"t'"P"F.i'iii'iti'c'i" "i'liu. and canon? , , 1 Ii":'.' >2 if. . ' _r,r,sivr,r,./ei)g,,t.,,,/,i,, _'i,c,v,.r,r,hi.:'irql:,.,,,,.,ri'.s,li, (,l,la.'iiC?jC"i,r.s,i.i..r:.i_..is.,r.i/.,, .cA, Riga"; ' "e rr,.,.:',,,,,,:)),';,-',::),,,':.,,,,,,,),',';:,,,.:,:;),:, I. _ -H .-,' SI '." I'" 'e ' "l:" 'yg-r " _ I 1' "'v I ", rile": iii)); .' _ If": sh?, .. .. J-'tt t/isiiiiii2r:V1. a ex. .i,rvipkyt?), ".e'"U '""l t" '. stream-amt'eehwwtmmfié'éttiahv