Ripley WI Tweedsmuir Scrapbook Volume 1, p. 21

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. , . V ' . .1 " a ' Celebrate Centennial l ortnerriOiAf '33... ' M 1» , _ 33133313331333. I . » _ 313:3". . l - w II- 133 . 'Mbit' 1 ; . L 111.2: Italt . ' . . gii5irlitlMgl, - ', aB" - 'hnw: " k", NE, t _ . A , [iililiBiMlalllflill «W33, Iliiei5,_atsiiiiita,a,l " FU , a gig, , 4.131333%». was. a - ENil, "=31?" kN? I . " tN " Ei - T 'iiEiR", " i'iRii, %REF, "'3 iair, riiiiiis'y5,)ss',ii'iiiii, - _% - - - 'Ei, MS m??g rt'rs%Ir'. .. t"'ii2a " ' IE . $7 .-;'-. " 'NMR t EKh _ m, rs'iiirifarittAirifiil 'fiat "riilllIii'i,'s,'tii,isi,'ti,'i'i4ssiiSi'i"i, at] Fd 'Am .33. . - _ v. YN - "law,,-, 't' i', v' . iiaitiii'3/sfsf'jtst'iit?, .3 ' FsMi , ' " _ . .31. . 'll-ii-fill,',?,),?-,.,!,: , 3331 . Marx 1 i t - 'i" ' Cc". 1 1 Csit1,ir:JiitvifjjCsqe ' - KN - - 3,13 Ffgl'tt'a5s"tTiii'fiam 11-331 - l t " " l (ty/yr-r/rites-,'",)'.:',?, tNW, '. Bil ' " _rii_iv3,iiNlis5ara,9JjNtil, Mt - . - T "r'tt'CcyCiC, P, EiRFCUt .333. , for Eg F, "a v3 1* , tSeWSl , 'tNrtIrg . te " ' . 3;»,rqlg'» Ea , 'iiilNiieiitil, 333$»??? 1:5,; It I "turg " "m" ry",il,'s'f,';i,tA/'a . 'N' " 3331* "1"" 5%" ME _% . ' . ' . Rr,r3tgrt E q " if"; " 'lr8rlt IIMi,Ee'tiii, riiml.6't)lllNlEsgll ' " t Q? I?" . 'ir'i, 1ir':sa. " liilm * 3:513<31 - .,e..'iri?Sg, ri, l. waN ' BBMIiM.grNttiEtiiiigtit"t 3311' 3,3?» . . ' "Ma-'13 i, "s, " ' ti8mlMN15 34.1'33 12101 IglFf)Csii,ii'/i'i?iii'ifs5u9 Ertlsit', . = - T" '32'1 p2vr " - " 33333333333351" ".3, _ " Mterj)ip:r)it',iiric) X' ' I " 'E'.s?", 1 Li, ' ' MttaEgmEmm ttttBEN, ' 3.33 11 - . " "W?,"; hey-53',» ..v; , ' . Q - - 't'e'X 1. " 1iMitEiMEMtcjr3iEe, 'tmr" . 'MllMErdib';i)Fi, Ltr), . HW, 'alll. killers:,):)") T 'lllit'MiEliitstit,i'slesj'la - . -irti'ftrii:'/ii) , ' , "t'p'"9, I ba IlBlEl'rAfr1g' E! - I1MIlrtRalEszW, "MMI? I' _ , an" 5.-.» "1"" . TtTr/ii, I 'tyrsseBNe, "3553.43 l, cottls -ac grountr'" . ...,,..,.3.,.3..». ' 1t1FfsiF'.e?1Pc15srfct'o, .33....-:--:3333.11.3.;3.z3»a~w Etta", Many former residents Lire expected to swell the congregation at Knox Presbyter- I It? Church at Ripley tomorrow when the church celebrates its centennial, The c urch, shown above, has been extensively renovated by volunteer labor in readi- ness for the event, (Phntn hu MN and), _ 1 Th By J. w. ie,",',""':,) I 'mudc in 1856, a catechist1 Mur. MacDonald was missionary" in e congregu 'on o {n0x3doeh MacDonald served the com h . 'Preshyterlan Church at PP.ytiiyrsaf"yy each person paying zoom-g: nen'din-gi erection [at no: normally 80 strong-is cxpecterfive shillings towards his salary. Fa) f."" m Rip Cy an . to swell to tour times that num-mr lacking this, grain at the rate the induction of Ritr. IPeie.k, h her tomorrow when the church'slot 2s 6d per bushel. [Mild-'0" as mlnister, which took ,centenary is marked. Hamilton A bowed log church went up inipl"2 m _1895. while the session MseKinnon, of, the invitation 1858. west of the settlement andlwas denying appeals for sanction 3 committee has retyired "Pli053scaicd 400, It was linked JG? if" .S'mday sehoot mm?" . from a. score of points with tlusi,Asuio1 Church with the Rev "which did not come to pass till, promise "We'll be there." Ci'l',2C"L: Grant'as first ministcrlmjfm "because we see much evil Services will be m charge of in 1865, In 1874 after Mr. Me- arises to the minds and persons the minister, Rev. Joseph R. Queen's arrival, the separate of children, by accident to the MacDonald, with a. former min. congregation built its own church latter, and a tendency to lead the ister, Rev. J_'Reyn°1d5 Eslcr, ot The Rev, John Fraser, Kincarjformer away from the solemni. prantford. "Peaking in the mom' dine, acted as interim moderator ties pertaining to the "Sabbath mg and R Bon ot the congrega'luntil the arrival of the Rev. isehool and holy "rm" _ the, Rev. A. Ross MacKay. ofmdam McKay. who Came from Mr. MaeLeod was succeeded in l _ Montreal, nrescher for the eve-'0ape Breton, only to die within 1009 hy Rev, D. A. MacLean, who i' ning semce: The'i"x' months. First elders were remained till dissolution of the K-, , celebration will t,'i"fv'l',1,,t With'John MacKay, Malcolm MacDon- two congregations in 1922, when dl. ' e'eyrreirafiont 50013 on ay. old and Donald Murchison. pr. R. Harkness became min- '-, Preparing tor the event, mem~' ister, ' V " here of the 10tVycar-old eongrc-. In 1876 Rev, Alexander Suther» I K _ ' . . , 'land came from Prince Edward n nox Church the Rev. Uolin gstion have contributed time and _ . S Si . . . . . Island to minister to the flock. . inclalr from 1rwernessshire, labor to building renovations, .. which included construction of Relationships between the Knox 5009311111. Pepe minister, rc- centre aisle, pew 2s/Jlt1i'ld"tri'iiirciiis" and their fellow 1girk- morning till 1900 to he succeeded and church carpeting. lee in Huron Church had he- ?r. the Rev. F. J. Maxwell. At . The history of Knox Church is come acrimonious and 3 New)" Pis timetharc was some switch tightly interwoven with that t,ii'liii', ordered Mr. MirQueen to m cyyrfeg.t.'y.simee Gaetie Huron Presbyterian Church, both withdraw offensive remarks he was discontinued m worship at . of which had congregations in had made rclative to Mr. Suther- Knox Church. English speaking l Ripley tor a period extending land and his p'arishioners. Thepnembers from Huron Church . from 1874. when 80 families ofi'congregjations were told to settle came to Knox, while some of Huron Church petitioned fodthcir differences andthe minis- Knox pepple, T.hose mother ' permission to start a congrega- ters to exchange pu1pitsftor serv-Iggngue cwas Gaelic, moved to thin because they were dissatis-llccs- uron hureh, I lfied with choice of the secondl Gaelic not only mingled with The Rev. w. A. Bremner was minister, Rev. Adam McQueen, to English in the conduct of war- minister trom 1906 to 1913, when 1922, when Huron and Knox con- ship. but constituted the major the Rev. George Gilmore was .7 _ gregations were dissolved to belportion. Kenneth MacLey was called. His wifo was the first . replaced by a new St; te,'r,tv,,'s)Gar?t prccor1tor from 1893. Nroman graduate Of the Univer. Presbyterinn Church, which con- In 1898 an organ was installed sity of Western Ontario. tinned until church when in 1925.1n Knox Church tor use in con- After union in 1925, Knox can. _ 1W0 years later, Knox congrega- neetion with the service in Eng- gregation was served by the Rev. (tion, reorganized, bought back italish, The horrified sexton tried R. M. Hanna, 1929 to 1935; the former church home and still to remove the offending instru- Rev. RFA. McConnell to 1938; tht warships there. . liner-it _.- first taking the preceu- Rev. J. Reynolds Esler to IMI; i Moat of the ministers who haveftion of draping it with a cloth so Dr. W. 0. Rhoad Co 1950, and the curved the church have beenlho .one would surmise what it present minister, the Rev, J. R... our or of Scottish extrtutiort.lmur. . MacDonald, another New; Bert, When payment for a lot wasl In 1893 in Huron Church, Isaac Han, since that time. -

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