is sc Es Salsrruioares C Riiereiealiies abpr n o t oo on ut i. .. 0c c d ol "'f"»»' uf S *:?_i ces in o itue, 3% i &3 s 4. "', -- y 7 r R C B ol a R as i "J ' C ies o _ {ADELATIDE _ HOODLESS «. igg' ii' h -- O en N1 \o y °C 47 B¥ 3 es Signcied Lo uids hoi. 44 ' in copies of Mrs. Hoodless' addresses, C eval that she almost invariably linked to-- 4 x t h ; L gether a woman's responsibilitics as a % ~C 6 25 % * homemaker and as a cifizen. So it is Fetinel j yz h. entirely in keeping with her plans that h. Pm e rgonk the institutes now have standing com-- s \ -- dn + mittees on such things as Social Wel-- / s fare and Citizenship, running from a / » _ J woman's part in the local school see-- it p C 2 -- tion right up to international affairs. / / /A § And if Adelnide Hoodless could know Coj# stmrader xt ChL that the Ontario institutes this year s Pteri MA LL % asked the Government for a course in ) ( #. / ; Culture, I think she might say, "That's JA 2 ibtil the sort of thing I had in mind for L ermend M yias's ' 'the uplifting of the home.'"' 13 The Spirit of Homemaking &, P /. Cal aoAteao In her own. homemaking, Mrs 4 2 fi(fl(({é yo 07 Hoodless must have been closely in AY P line with home economics' present w trend toward simplicity and an appre-- i ciation of the intangibles. A daughter i sayas 1 "As a homemmker she was an in-- t spiration. Our old home was open 7 ) 8 2 house and she wis the gracious centre e R ' i & is around which everything revolved * C ( * c au be~ Mother had travelled widely and there * ,c , EAerLsluge were always interesting people coming thr / aes2! and going--ashe had a stimulating and -- & M NiAE l kerrniln,, namsonility. that.. cre w ominnt ... . _ § #o $s «mt _ @One of Few Remaining Log--Built Churaif=s | * One of Few Rem ning Log--Built Chur@if € ht €or 3 - Sm ¢ «-u i Sec Ee e nsm mm y /.\/'!rv. < e o adaets s 1 Nee td 1t td d 00 24 is 5) U '_ F / % Je Sf saes ue t 'fii&wg';é gkC s | drari h > ppmomg 0 DA toaig OP . ) P . ~~ W"Mfi@ D\ : ut .' . : t U unreaue m'.'""fi\; t | . a m m Es Ifsualin 4 6 / ulintoa oop ,,Efljrfi':f x Ns 5 101297000 ie d C o ® ' j l -- sls e w I h ( 4 wl + e 14 PAE 4' { dout f M w f en | m ----. | C . . B fi i4 9 ( -- 4 esz 2 % MB i _ 0 T1 M tC € | Regec»/\ * [ 4 :'.'_,1.';'3_&; C ; & § "lis: ai igaibd % ) & t3+ f rad bpu in 3 esd | M 6 &. &A JA 1JP2F 2/ CEml @n . n * i 4 / Ece 7 4o | # -- | j o Aest o | fw '.' » /4 Ap ® Neat Interior of 90--Y¥ear--Old Dumblane Church &1 Miss J. M. Scott renticeship with a "Joiner" in The ploncers who shared In . )\ Dnfi!b'lnil'jfriahyudu ScoUand, and knew his business .. ths building Included the Bolla . /s 6 4 A ( Church, near | Figin, is -- thoroughly.. 'The boarda were . GoWnnlocks, . Scotts, . Waliaces |_one: of the. few log--built . spilt, then amoothed with a draw. . Rowlands, Chrlatios, Bryces, Mo-- _). churches remai In Ontario. . knife. . Kechnies, and . Armatrongs . tof@@ ) It was mhm from * * * mentlon only a few of those who _ cut cedar, taken. from the banks After having w share In the . settled close to the river ' B m \ of the Saugeen River by early . building of this "House of God" "6. Nous ut [; «l setters,.and In sHH in excellent _ Peter Scott studied for the min-- Some walked in . from Lakr w# . , ' ~@ ndition. * Istry, though in middle lfe. He -- Huton through the then virgir 7 T terio ork wnd . graduated "and merved the . forest, while others came dowr hi % Peter » church of his fathera for many . the river on rafts with all thel | & _ ap-- -- years. belongings. & 1 I L A | . 6 : P odhaticatd ep_s. : e h ints C * aeo 7 of MacDonald mt:lc'fiwrnfyf' " | _;-ja fifth anniversary, her son mentioned o 6E* / o oln SW HREE mppmticq : this. in a .very meving tribute to his . [ Wl -- 7 se C BR L |r i mother, He anid: eBb > + ® _1 \ ) WO OW _ O B _ "After a bitter fight Mother suc-- l . pemans pome gge reorrnn tm «s k e g -- ceeded in hnving domestic science in-- ericies welg: .. t e "é" Es rad h (f troduced in the Hamilton schools. t t % is hh ies e e Cromaret f e Oe Today one can hardly conceive that l nc uit & ol ' the attacks made upon her could have 6 } occurred. She was derided in the press . _ P U N e id Te ecul M Mc ies L. ce i sc smm