i + x > i emmmmmmn(nlesitemar C mt < (ca , . \ + i P "] £. ( '\C\ C : d ts » q ® [\ h in s " ' 897, the first women's institute was afgan # D " Why did this organization of farm women, ban ® o together for the simple purpose of better hom#m ing, grow into something so far reaching and so s , ficant? We have a good part of the answer in [) l{' I A'[ D E I I O OD L E S S manner of woman who was its founder. [ ; t J M3 } . Crusader For Household Science Adelaide Hoodless--Adslaide Hunter before marriage--was born on a farm near St. Goorge metmmes J mmmmnnmenmmmmmmee o ---------------- Bront county, Ontario, one of thirteen children. 1 brothers were university men and Adelaide grew in a home of culture and uncompromising Pres * * * terian ethics; grew up, too, with all the social gra as a pioneer in adult education that come of natural charm and a gentle backgrou There is no doubt that her personal appeal hel her over many difficult places, but she never depens m on it. I saw a copy of her letter to Sir William M % ~C donald asking for funds to build Macdonald Instite and certainly there were no "woman's wiles" in dence. It was as clear--cut and forthright as a e a in Ontario Still Sérves at Durmblan 4 Ahes in Ontario Still Sérves at Durmblane® f iz | Ein o ueX BE $ ' ( ',,r'-' iss % .-Fs'é C «* e c _E 'fi n 3| 4 [ Nes 2 > 9k y ~~tO00 . | '*= L reinp'y. 6. "aI > B #Y & 02y ks * 19 P -- Py y \ t yL" NNE v"P -- K 'fi-!" t _+ x hm it s 3t OB & 31 4 es 1 ie /s\ \ e-- -- is CC Sne F8 t $ h d Es 6 y# | . "Theee n | i( & ' <am. m' E ~1, e sE \ old ies ( o En ie o ts J o es 7 es oi < _{:'\\5" 4 "~ u% td § \ «.1 «eapenmin'g es y + 1| & 6 9 O pap . 8 oi c / te § ' t Eupt ABs | ds 4 ol i Eh u7 au) M by ETHEL W / / -- We . a" "Ename o0 8. ) . . ) We B Eo m §A [ [¥ * Ssa i yas fL dbuss Fask THEN the Associated 'Country Women of the 8 0| / 8d it ARlabial i it d ' * ol / _ World met in Copenhagen this September 4 To J o c n ies f tribute was paid--as it is at all asscmblics of | . fln ie J f NB international body--to the name of Adelaide e ' 1 m\'\ | the Cunadian woman. who founded the Durmblane Presbyterian Church Near Port Elgin j omen's Institute at Stoney Creek, Ontario so started a movement that has spread pretty tebrated) i6 80th anni-- byterlan Church in Canada met ound the world. There re now women's ins Chutch sorvices have been Rel@ .. gation . colebrate U wow province of Chmtin, in Crout Hntale | ¢ontinuoutly ainte the: croning | Vermiry: The chueh mnterion had | in | Dumblane fran e oay: Pro NoS Realind: Baulls a MU]{ of the litle church except dure . been . redecorated ) with . fresh . Chorch for the purpose of desig= un Ibronder ow Soalitnd! fouth Africa and (npifreiemmcen mbain. PAE AE ynlnL"I's'll was done . nating Miss Beatrice. Scott to rmngifon of gome otier roupetmatnananas A. 0 »ttely * previous to the | fifst | wedding _ missionary worl in Indin. She ho W@rld's organized) country women 4 | _ In the ently day», the con@res . solemnized in u: "hurch when . bas served :b!l'c.slnc:. t must have taken the cournge of sener gation was affillated with Port . Miss Margaret B<yce was mar-- itd, to launch an cdocational movement to) | HIgit Presytecin onuroo ie imeathagust o eagare Materis! 1s 'being. compiled. of -- (i en who were right in the thick of their heaviest [ 19f} many yeara now . hns Mbmen *. M BF the history of the church 'for ""' y reponsibilitics, most of them farm women | UnMed\ with Burgoyne Premby-- Another_event/in' the history . at the 100th lnnl'.'sr.lary n ill that this implies in the way of limited leisure E térlan Cburch,|one ministem m@ey=.. Lof. the 'dongregit lan J# that on .\ July 1950. ne s And certainly it took a pioncer's vision to lay $ ing both: churdhes Wednu:z'.&il | 18, 4040, _ the Rev,-- William Quigley is . the : so sound that the objectives are still aduptable uy of year the congre-- -- Presbyt B#ice of the Pl'el:' present. pastor of uu church. anging conditions, the program still attracting i/ n after half a century p k t ' §13 * 4 + The Fi t 1 6 B e w ho in + 12i%. ronr nlt on i m tm w on mm cons"I s The First Woman's Institute Y m mnahs BP he ore B droks -- yaon dn o en 9P t mss 1 o 2 o7 8 l in mt im t en on o stoipat hew the frak se io l o oo o Pcnoam enc ons a corcer