The Ladies In Waiting Clue #1
- Media Type
- Image
- Item Type
- Photographs
- Description
- Our branch, Princess Elizabeth WI, wished to participate in the WISH project to celebrate the 125th anniversary of WI. Participants chose a team name to reflect our royal connection: "Ladies in waiting", so we are wearing white gloves for a touch of formality. But, that is also a salute to the care given to preserving our stories in the Tweedsmuir History books.
The photo shows our team (L to R): members Mary Lou Ross, Lorna Gardner (with grandson Oliver), Janet Kinnaird and friend and neighbour Linda Humphrey posing in front of the gated entrance to Queen's Park in Tavistock. These gates were erected in 1929 by the Tavistock WI, as noted on the pillars.
This spot was chosen for several reasons, including the fact that the original Lemp photo graced the cover of the heritage photo calendar created by PEWI to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of Tavistock. In order to include as many photos as possible it was designed as a 16 month calendar running from September 1998 to December 1999.
The Mary Stewart Collect was printed inside the front cover along with the WI crest, our branch name as well as a summary of WI through the years from 1897, highlighting the creation of local WI branches: Tavistock WI in 1902, Athlone in 1945, Anna P Lewis in 1946 and Princess Elizabeth in 1947.
An important extra was the explanation of the Tweedsmuir History books and the efforts of local branches to preserve information and photos.
The wooden oval sign is used to identify our branch, most often included as part of our display at the Tavistock Fall Fair held at this park and in the building in the background.
Connections within connections to WI! Amazing, eh?
In our photo, which was taken by member Joyce Hill, we have included the WI colours as well as a magnifying glass to help us look very carefully at all clues. Although hard to see, several members are wearing a piece of WI plaid holding their pins. We realize the judges will be looking carefully at this submission too.
We thought it was important to memorialize the reason for this 125th anniversary of WI and "WISH" in our Women's Institute scavenger hunt photo.
This was a fun activity, not involving a lot of driving which sets the scene for what is to follow: FUN (Friends, Us, Neighbours). Thank you to the co-ordinators! - Notes
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
- Date of Publication
- Feb 2022
- Subject(s)
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 43.31679 Longitude: -80.83302
- Donor
- Lorna Gardner
- Copyright Statement
- Protected by copyright: Uses other than research or private study require the permission of the rightsholder(s). Responsibility for obtaining permissions and for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Copyright Holder
- photographer
- Contact
- Federated Women's Institutes of
Agency street/mail address:552 Ridge Road
Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2Y6