KITCHENER MARKETPLACE - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1 987 - PAGE 3 ty in another way Rob Martin photo Jeannie and Ray Shantz hold two of many orchids which they grow in their Mannheim home. The large plant on the right is a phalaenopsis, a variety of orchid which is Jeannie's favorite, because of its beauty and ease of care. Former Leaders Honoured March 1, 1984 A St. Valentine's Tea was held at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Hilborn and her daughter Janet, RR 1, New Dundee, in honour of two former leaders of the Plains 4-H Club, Mrs. Jean Laughlin and Mrs. Elaine Weber. Eighteen 4-H members and their mothers were present to extend appreciation for the past leadership of the ladies for many years. Janet Hilborn presided for a short program which included an organ recital by Jill Weber and Valentine readings by Jennifer Rickert and Emily Weber. A highlight was a presentation by Mrs. Agnes Reist, president of the Helena Feasby Women's Institute of old school readers used from the late 1800's to the 1920's. Mrs. Reist read two poems entitled, "Little Sorrow" and "Somebody's Mother". The books were viewed with much interest by the girls. Marie Jarvis thanked the honoured guests and Sher-riann Rickert and Lynn Stager presented them with tote bags made by Mrs. Jean Rickert. A Valentine cake decorated in honour of the ladies centred the tea table and refreshments were served by the hostesses assisted by Mrs. Janet Stager and her daughter, Lynn. .The new current 4-H Club is named, "The Mannheim Quaint Little Quilters" under the leadership of Mrs. Jean Rickert and Mrs. Isabel Kozicki and is now sponsored by the New Dundee Women's Institute.