NEW DUNDEE CREAMERY Mr. E.H. Thamer's creamery was the first place used at $20. rent per month. It w was in the basement of his store and had not been in use for some time. The country surrounding New Dundee for a considerable distance was laid out in districts, assigning one district to each of the following canvassers for patrons. Petersburg district I.S. Lautenschlager, John Amos the Strasburg territory, D.D. Snyder and Albert Becker, Roseville district, John Bretz and E.B. Hallman Washington, Sim Cressman (Garfield's Father) the middle and west territory and Albert Goettling (Sangster's father) the North West district. E. Lautenschlager tendered for hauling of butter to the station at One dollar per ton. Mr. Edward Gillespie was the first buttermaker. He received $70. per month excepting June and July when the sum was $75. per month. The first stationary order went to L. M. Kaiser of Roseville: 2000 envelopes for monthly statements 1000 Invoice blanks at $2.00 500 patrons pass books 1000 note heads at $2.50 10,000 envelopes for carrespondence $2. 1 day book, 1 ledger 1 cash book 1 company stamp. A.C. Clemns was hired to haul butter to the Petersburg Station at 70$ per hundred weight. This is the origional Creamery Approximately 1919 The first shipment of supplies from R.M. Ballantyare Stratford, included 200 lbs parchment paper at 12 1/2 cents per cwt. 2000 corrosive sublimate tablets. 2 gross pint composite sample bottles with wood corks. The order amounted to $62.40 All machinery, utensils etc. were purchased from E.H. Thamer at $575.00 including use of the building where the plant was located. The sale of patrons shares went well. It was decided that agents for the company be appointed. They were to solicit shareholders at the rate of 500 for every new shareholder secured. They also were to solicit patrons and look after the interest of the company generally. Wm. Goettling delivered the first wood purchased from G. Bettschen at 75 cents per cord. In Nov. 1908 a building committee of D.D. Snyder and S. Cressman was appointed to investigate the advisability of securing a new site for the creamery. The banking was first done in Union Bank Ayr. but by 1909 depositing was done in Dominion Bank New Dundee. In Jan. 1909 Chas. Kavelman was engaged to haul butter at the rate of 1 1/2 per Lb. of butter for the months of Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr. Nov. and Dec. and 1 1/4 $ per lb. of butter for the remaining six summer months. At. this time the company disposed of one sleigh at $10, a double set of harness at $12. and wagon at $13. The first meeting was held in the New Dundee Hall Feb. 27th, 1908. Albert Goettling moved and Amos Otto seconded that Simeon Cressman act as chairman. It was also moved and seconded by the same men that Edwin B. Hallman be secretary for the day. Interesting discussions and speeches were given regarding the advisability of starting a creamery. Looking toward Creamer Site- Around 1915 Birds eye view of New Dundee, Ontario