Table of Contents - Businesses The Village Coffee Shop The Bakery New Dundee Co-operative Creamery Mr Henry Goettling - Nursery Orville Coleman Farm Equipment Clarence Knechtels Butchery Business Leonard Johnson’s Dundeen Shop The Antique Shop Herman kavelman Weber’s Building Supplies Roy Ishirthart Trucking Business Ross Miller Sawmill Walter Keffer Tensmithing Frank Toman’s Plumbing and Electrical Business Albert Fiederlein Alvin Sararus Buck Bros. Hatchery E. T. Coleman - Hardware Ronald Jackson, TV, Radio, and Hi-Fi Elmer Poll - Transport Zinn Equipment Ltd. Thamer’s Store Telephone Office The Hallman Sawmill Albert Egerdee’s Trucking Business Howling’s Garage Robinswood Feed Mill Harvey Einwechter Trucking Nardoc Systems Second Century Furniture The Emporium The Studio of Art and Crafts Spring Valley Trout Farm Ritz Electronic The Chocolate House