THE VILLAGE COFFEE SHOP Soon after the marriage of Dianne Foster to Norman Wood. For a long time the need for a coffee shop in New Dundee was felt. The bakery, under Mr Koch had operated a lunch room but this was closed when Mr Koch went out was served was in the hotel, business, and the only place food This need was met by Mrs. S. Norman Wood and her new daughter-in-law. They discussed the pros and cons and decided to give it a try. Neither women had had any previous experience in this line, so it was a new venture for both. They both had pursued secretarial careers before marriage. They rented the old barber shop from Carl Buck. It had been used for storage and required a great deal of hard work to ready the premises. After everything was cleared out, panelling, flooring, lighting plumbing needed to be installed. The young bride and her husband's family all pitched in to help with the project. Before long a grill, coffee maker, frig, cooling cabinet arrived. Mrs. Wood was fortunate in being able to buy out a similar business equipment that was closing. The last day as stock was being placed on the shelves ready for business, teenagers began arriving. Mrs Wood says all the pop and potato chips were completely sold out before the official opening day. This venture has prospered since its inception. Mrs Wood Sr., due to home duties, retired from the business after a period of 6 to 9 months and the young Mrs. Wood hired help for her busiest hours. Barbara Jacob and Linda.: Howling as well as Mary Harrison have been her able assistants. She has steadily added to her stock, and ice cream machine for frozen custard, air conditioning and a freezer have been installed. First Mrs, Orland Bierman and now Mrs, Emery Radke bake fresh pies daily to supply the shop. Mrs Wood makes a weekly trip to Kitchener for fresh vegetables such as lettuce and tomatoes but all other supplies are delivered. These include such things as pop, milk,french fries and meat, etc. Much of the success of the Village Coffee shop is due to "Dianne's " pleasing personality. Mrs Norman Wood, the former Dianne Foster was born on a farm near Maple, Ont. She received a grade 12 education and did office work at Smiles and Chuckles in Kitchen Before her marriage she attended the United Missionary Church where her talent in music was appreciated. She has a lovely singing voice and is also a pianist. She was married to Norman in 1967 and they presently attend St. Andrews Presbyterian church in Kitchener. Dianne closed out the business in Apr. of 1974