MR. and MRS. aLVIN FORLER Alvin and Esther Forler were married November 29, 1925 in Trinity Church, Mew Hamburg. They had thirteen children - Patricia, Gertrude, Alvin, Gerlad, Shirley, Timothy, Connie, Paula, Helene, Claude, Georgr, Martha and Margaret. They farmed in the area for many years before moving to New Hamburg. Mr. Forler was a staunch supporter of baseball and hockey and for ir.eny years actedas a scout and organizer. MR. and MR3. ARTHUR H. ROTH Mr. and Mrs. Roth were married in Zion Evangelical Church on December 20, 1916, in New Hamburg. Uiewas the former Alfretta Shantz. They farmed for five years north of Baden andthen moved to NewHamburg. In 1941 Mr. Rothbecame Secretary - Treasuer of the New Hamburg Kysro Commission where he worked until his retirement. They were both active in the work of the church. They have one son and three grabdchildren. MR. and MRS. NELSON LUCKHAHDT They farmed inthe New Hamburg area until 1953 when theyretired to live in New Hamburg. Dec. 29