1922 - 1983 A shower of sheets and pillow slips for Freeport Sanatorium was held, also made our first exhibit at the Fall Fair. We had a booth on the second day of the Fair thus earning $57.53. Tag day for Freeport $215.71 A short, course, in Hone Nursing and First Aid with Mrs. M.E. Lowe of Toronto as instructor, 21 new members were gained by this short course. Bales of used clothing were sent to fire sufferers in Northern Ontario. An apron parade was held at one meeting, tea, bungalow, and work aprons. Miss F. Kalbfleisch and Mrs. Hildebrand winning the prizes for tea aprons, Mrs. Albrecht and Miss Graff, for bungalow aprons and Mrs. L. Hostetlet and Mrs. H. Bruder for work aprons. A play "Why Smith Left Home" was given and $100.00 was cleared on this. By May the piano had been paid in full Officers Mrs. Geo. Merner 1st Vice-president - Mrs. V. Wenzel 2nd Vice-President - Mrs. Hostetler Secretary - Mrs. A. Hahn Treasurer - Mrs.E. Chapin District Director - Mrs. L. Hahn Directors - Miss Graff, Miss Merner, Mrs. Pfaff Mrs. Coombs, Mrs. Debus, Mrs. G. Hahn Auditors - Mrs. Messner, Mrs Anderson Pianist - Miss F. Kalbfleisch There were 117 members during 1922 - 1923 Total Receipts Total Expenses Balance on hand $635.16 567.87 $67.23 Members of Nursing Class