ADELAIDE HOODLESS Adelaide Hunter Hoodless was a "Woman with a Vision", who worked tirelessly to help homemakers. She was born in Brant County, Ontario, on February 27, 1857, the youngest in a family of twelve children. She was married to John Hoodless on September 15, 1881 and it was the death of her fourth child at the age of eighteen months caused by contaminated milk, that drove her to study child health and nutrition and to crusade among the housewives of her day to organize to learn more about child care, the economic and hygienic value of foods with a view to raising the general standard of the life of farm people. Her accomplishments have placed her name on the honour roll of women's organizations in Canada and throughout the world. She could hardly have dreamed that from the first Women's Institute at Stoney Creek, Ontario, would grow such a mighty organization not only encompassing Canada, but having affiliations with women's groups in 108 countries around the world.