The Prince Edward District WI is a sponsor of the Prince Edward District Memorial Hospital Foundation. This plaque hangs in the Prince Edward District Memorial Hospital in recognition of donations ma
The Prince Edward District WI is a sponsor of the Prince Edward …
We believe in the importance of local radio so the Prince Edward District W.I. made a donation to the founding of the radio station and were recognized by being named on a plaque.
We believe in the importance of local radio so the Prince Edward …
The Prince Edward District W.I. believe in the importance of sports in the development of young people, so they made a substantial contribution to develop soccer fields, for anyone in Prince Edward C
The Prince Edward District W.I. believe in the importance of sports in …
Prince Edward District member and former president, Joan Williams welcoming Mr. & Mrs. Allison coming off the Quinte Access Bus to attend our Art & Craft Sale.
Prince Edward District member and former president, Joan Williams welcoming Mr. & …
In celebration of the 100th year of Renfrew South District Women's Institute in 2013, a defibrillator was purchased and placed in the Renfrew Armouries. This multi-use building is in the Renfrew Fair
In celebration of the 100th year of Renfrew South District Women's Institute …
This is a scrapbook compiled between 1967 and 1979 by Lorna M. Rogers, President of the Stoney Creek branch of the Women's Institutes. It contains: - Invitation to Stoney Creek Jubilee Banquet, 1947
This is a scrapbook compiled between 1967 and 1979 by Lorna M. …
Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [2004] - [2011] Bervie W.I. Meetings Bruce County District Women's Institute Rally, 53rd Annual Rally Meeting, October 7, 2008 Grey Bruce Women's Institute 50th Area Convention, October 3, 2008 Bruce County District
Bervie Women's Institute, Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), [2004] - [2011] Bervie W.I. Meetings Bruce County District Women's Institute Rally, 53rd Annual Rally …
Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), 2001 Brooksdale WI Quilt Scrapbook - "A Quilter is Someone Who:" list of attributes of quilters, courtesy of The Quilt Place, Shakespeare, Ontario - Poem, "A Crazy Quilt" - Poem, "My Old Quilting Frames,"
Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON: Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario), 2001 Brooksdale WI Quilt Scrapbook - "A Quilter is Someone Who:" list of …
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