In 2003, the Erland Lee (Museum) Home was designated by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, and a plaque was placed by the sidewalk leading into the side porch of the Museum. The plaque
In 2003, the Erland Lee (Museum) Home was designated by the Historic …
This plaque, mounted on a stone cairn, was placed at the roadside in front of the Erland Lee (Museum) Home in 1961, while it was still a private residence. It reads "In memory of Erland Lee and his w
This plaque, mounted on a stone cairn, was placed at the roadside …
Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build the gate in 1931 and again in 1967 to celebrate the Centennial. See other photos of gates and 1931 plaque
Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build …
Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build the gate in 1931 and again in 1967 to celebrate the Centennial. See other photos for plaques.
Arkell WI supported the Farnham Cemetery by providing the funds to build …
On Nov.7,2010 the Mayor of Mississippi Mills,Al Lunney and the President of Ramsay W.I., Cindy Zorgel unveiled a plaque at the Blakeney Park at the bridge over the Mississippi River, in Lanark County
On Nov.7,2010 the Mayor of Mississippi Mills,Al Lunney and the President of …
This cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. The group has since disbanded, but their excellent work over the years is represented by this project. Service people from W
This cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. …
This cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. The group has since disbanded, but their excellent work over the years is represented by this project. Service people from W
This cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. …
This cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. The group has since disbanded, but their excellent work over the years is represented by this project. Service people from W
This cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. …
This cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. The group has since disbanded, but their excellent work over the years is represented by this project. Service people from W
This cairn in Jarvis, Ontario was erected by the Jarvis Women's Institute. …
Funding for this project was provided by the Government of Canada
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