- Left to Right: Ilene Smith, Edith Cameron, Joe Baker, Mrs. Armstrong (Dayton Womens Institute). Mrs. Jean Whitfield (Livingston WI). This photo can be found in the Tweedsmuir History created by the ILeft to Right: Ilene Smith, Edith Cameron, Joe Baker, Mrs. Armstrong (Dayton …
- Plaque erected by Drumbo WI to commemorate Henry MumaPlaque erected by Drumbo WI to commemorate Henry Muma
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
- This plaque was placed on the gatepost of Jonathan Hook’s farm prior to the 1960’s. It is not yet known who installed the plaque. This photo was taken in the fall of 2017.This plaque was placed on the gatepost of Jonathan Hook’s farm prior …
- Chesley Women's Institutes Accomplishments Chesley Women's Institute was organized in 1910 with 60 ladies in attendance. One of their first petitions was to ask Council that sidewalks be snowplowed aChesley Women's Institutes Accomplishments Chesley Women's Institute was organized in 1910 with …
- In 1967, the Lee family home (not yet a museum) was designated by the Ontario Archaeological and Historic Sites Board. Erland and Janet’s daughter and daughter-in-law, Marjorie Lee and Katherine LeeIn 1967, the Lee family home (not yet a museum) was designated …
- In September 1969, the Boxall WI donated a plaque in the newly-named Hunter Cemetery. Mrs. Albert Hunter of Fingal was present at the opening ceremony, a relative of those who originally donated theIn September 1969, the Boxall WI donated a plaque in the newly-named …
- This plaque is located in Belmont to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Kingsmill Mapleton WI (1907-2007).This plaque is located in Belmont to celebrate the 100th anniversary of …
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
- Submission part of the WISH Challenge for WI's 125th AnniversarySubmission part of the WISH Challenge for WI's 125th Anniversary
- A women's institute plaque is located in the Tamworth, Ontario library. Tamworth is located in the Lennox and Addington County. Tamworth is located 35mins from Kingston, 20mins from Napanee, approximA women's institute plaque is located in the Tamworth, Ontario library. Tamworth …
- Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.Submission part of the WISH challenge for WI's 125th anniversary.
- This plaque was erected by the Goshen W.I. at Goshen Cemetery. The plaque reads "Goshen Cemetery 1831 - 1931 in memory of the pioneers." It is on the brick wall in front of the cemetery.This plaque was erected by the Goshen W.I. at Goshen Cemetery. The …
- In 1967, as part of Centennial Year, West Haldimand District undertook a project to build a pavilion. This impressive pavilion is located in Haldimand Conservation Park, near Featherstone Point. DuriIn 1967, as part of Centennial Year, West Haldimand District undertook a …
- In 1967, as part of Centennial Year, West Haldimand District undertook a project to build a pavilion. This impressive pavilion is located in Haldimand Conservation Park, near Featherstone Point. DuriIn 1967, as part of Centennial Year, West Haldimand District undertook a …
Funding for this project was provided by the Government of Canada
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Please consider a donation to our Tweedsmuir Fund to help us continue digitizing and providing this content for free
Learn more about the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario by visiting our website