This is a Tweedsmuir History compiled by the Nesterville Women's Institute. This books has been compiled in a scrapbook fashion and includes photographs, text, clippings, and hand written notations.
This is a Tweedsmuir History compiled by the Nesterville Women's Institute. This …
This is a Tweedsmuir history (scrapbook) of the Burk's Falls area, collected by the Chalmers Women's Institute. The scrapbook is comprised of newspaper clippings taken from local newspapers. It also
This is a Tweedsmuir history (scrapbook) of the Burk's Falls area, collected …
A Tweedsmuir History compiled by the Sunnyside Women's Institute. This scrapbook contains a number of photos, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, and various other paper based media.
A Tweedsmuir History compiled by the Sunnyside Women's Institute. This scrapbook contains …
Not all information in this essay may be 100% correct as we have further information that contradicts some of the information as it was recorded in the original document.
Not all information in this essay may be 100% correct as we …
Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), 1957 Lady Tweedsmuir supported interest to local history in the following statement: "I am so glad to hear that the Women’s Institutes of Ontario are going to compile village history books. Events move ve
Tweedsmuir Community History Collections (Stoney Creek, ON), 1957 Lady Tweedsmuir supported interest to local history in the following statement: "I …
Colborne Women's Institute, Founded March 1, 1932, Tweedsmuir History Started 1947 in Honour of the Women's Institute 50th Anniversary; Ellen, Mrs. Gordon MacGregor, Curator 1947; Amy, Mrs. T.M. Gres
Colborne Women's Institute, Founded March 1, 1932, Tweedsmuir History Started 1947 in …
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