Black and white photograph of eight women from the Women's Society posing for a picture near a forest. The three women in the front row are seated. The other five women are standing
Black and white photograph of eight women from the Women's Society posing …
"Pictured: Mrs. Sheuermann, Mrs. Monroe, Mrs. Hecktor McKenzie, unknown, Mrs. McDougall, Mrs. Della King behind Mrs. Mary Owens, Mrs. Mary Biglow hold Nancy, unknown, unknown, unknown, Seated: Mrs. A
Pictured: Standing: Mrs. Reg Seabrook, Miss Jean MacLean, Mrs. Ivan Seabrook, Mrs. Leslie Smith. Front: Mrs. William Kirby, Mrs. Ron Seabrook, Mrs. James Owens, Mrs. Elmer Broad, Mrs. John MacLean.
Pictured: Standing: Mrs. Reg Seabrook, Miss Jean MacLean, Mrs. Ivan Seabrook, Mrs. …
This is a hard covered lined notebook with divisions for Minutes, General Meeting notes, Cash journal, Financial Statements, Officers and Directors, and Membership Lists
This is a hard covered lined notebook with divisions for Minutes, General …
Left to Right: Ilene Smith, Edith Cameron, Joe Baker, Mrs. Armstrong (Dayton Womens Institute). Mrs. Jean Whitfield (Livingston WI). This photo can be found in the Tweedsmuir History created by the I
Left to Right: Ilene Smith, Edith Cameron, Joe Baker, Mrs. Armstrong (Dayton …
Black and white photograph of a large group of women and men. They're standing outside of a wooden building. The group is entirely women except for two men in the lower right corner.
Black and white photograph of a large group of women and men. …
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