Glasgow WI erected a Peace Pole today in Waba Gardens, White Lake. This pole was carved out by one of our own members. The pole is a 6x6 cedar post. On each side we wrote the word peace in a differen
Glasgow WI erected a Peace Pole today in Waba Gardens, White Lake. …
This is a picture of the Mattawa War Memorial Cenotaph, dedicated to the fallen in two World Wars, by the Mattawa Women's Institute. This Cenotaph can be found in the heart of Mattawa, where the Matt
This is a picture of the Mattawa War Memorial Cenotaph, dedicated to …
Arthur Meighen – 1874 – 1960 A controversial Nine Foot Bronze Statue of the Rt. Honourable Arthur Meighen, stored in the Ottawa Warehouse since it” completion in 1968, Was erected at the Lind Park, O
Arthur Meighen – 1874 – 1960 A controversial Nine Foot Bronze Statue …
Timothy Eaton 1834 – 1907 Born at Clogher County Antrim in Northern Ireland. Timothy Eaton emigrated to Canada about 1854. In 1856 he and his brother James opened a general store of log construction
Timothy Eaton 1834 – 1907 Born at Clogher County Antrim in Northern …
Usbourne Central School Bell November 8, 1976 Wincheslea School Bell was erected at Usbourne Central School. Cost of Bell shared by Student Council of Usbourne Elmville, Hurondale, and Kirkton Womens
Usbourne Central School Bell November 8, 1976 Wincheslea School Bell was erected …
BBFG photo –caption Members of Reid’s Corners Women’s Institute gather round the Learning Chair they have donated to the Bruce Botanical Food Garden in Ripley: back L Brenda Ramsdale, Ruby Walden, Al
BBFG photo –caption Members of Reid’s Corners Women’s Institute gather round the …
Reid's Corner's Community Hall As early as 1927 the Reid’s Corners branch of FWIO was encouraging the Township of Huron to erect a new hall in their community. When no action had been taken due to th
Reid's Corner's Community Hall As early as 1927 the Reid’s Corners branch …
Pine River Church Presbyterian/United Memorial Tablet In 1919 the Reid’s Corners Women’s Institute gave $125 toward the installation of a Memorial Tablet in Pine River Presbyterian Church. Unfortunat
Pine River Church Presbyterian/United Memorial Tablet In 1919 the Reid’s Corners Women’s …
The Kincardine Independent, March 1976 Kincardine Hospital as it first appeared then some 50 years later as Kincardine and District Hospital. It is now of South Bruce Grey Health Services. Pictures taken from Tweedsmuir History.
The Kincardine Independent, March 1976 Kincardine Hospital as it first appeared then some 50 years later as …
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