Trout Mills Women's Institute, held first meeting on Nov.7, 1947 This picture is of the Crossing sign that was erected around 1964, after a petition was started by our W.I. member Rena Rowe after wit
Trout Mills Women's Institute, held first meeting on Nov.7, 1947 This picture …
This is the west end entrance to the Village of Rockton located on Old Hwy #8 and was first started by R.W.I. members and spouses in the early 1980's. Institute members carried on throughout most of
This is the west end entrance to the Village of Rockton located …
The intersection of Zion and Phillipston Roads. No buildings, cairns or plaques commemorate the WI in Bethel Zion ' s (Hastings District) small community north of Belleville, but two accomplishments
The intersection of Zion and Phillipston Roads. No buildings, cairns or plaques …
A Millennium Forest was planted in 2000 on the grounds of the Vineland Research & Innovation Centre as a project of the Lincoln Horticultural Society and the Rotary Club of Beamsville in cooperation
A Millennium Forest was planted in 2000 on the grounds of the …
This is a picture of the Beamsville Cenotaph that was erected in Beamsville following World War I to honour the young men who had fought in that war and did not return home to their loved ones. Beams
This is a picture of the Beamsville Cenotaph that was erected in …
Mountview Women’s Institute Hall Country Heritage Park – Milton, Ontario This small frame building built in 1838 on Ferris Lawrence’s property, was one of the first rural churches in Central Ontario.
Mountview Women’s Institute Hall Country Heritage Park – Milton, Ontario This small …
This picture is of the Malcolm Cairn located at the intersection of Concessions 10 and 11 at the 25th side road of Brant township (which is now a part of the municipality of Brockton). The hamlet of
This picture is of the Malcolm Cairn located at the intersection of …
This is a photograph of a monument was built by the Calton WI following the demolition of Calton School. It features the original school bell covered by a small roof, which is raised above a raised b
This is a photograph of a monument was built by the Calton …
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