- Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario 1981 Calendar, featuring photos of WI events and activities - E.D. Smith 90th Anniversary booklet, 20 pages, includes a history of the company from 1882-1972
- Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario 1981 Calendar, featuring photos of WI …
Burnstown Women’s Institute Theme 6: Community organization Township: Mc Nab / Braeside, Ontario Volunteer hours: 30 Our story: In 1911 our Institute branch was the first one in the Renfrew South Dis
Burnstown Women’s Institute Theme 6: Community organization Township: Mc Nab / Braeside, …
In celebration of the 100th year of Renfrew South District Women's Institute in 2013, a defibrillator was purchased and placed in the Renfrew Armouries. This multi-use building is in the Renfrew Fair
In celebration of the 100th year of Renfrew South District Women's Institute …
Photo of a roadside sign, alerting travellers to the presence of horse drawn vehicles on the road. The Balsam Hill - Horton W.I. was aware of a group of conservative Mennonite families coming to the
Photo of a roadside sign, alerting travellers to the presence of horse …
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