In 2016, Norwich Township declared that the hall could not be rented due to changing fire regulations. With rising hydro and fuel costs and declining involvement, the Cornell Women's Institute could
In 2016, Norwich Township declared that the hall could not be rented …
This collage represents the signs that were updated and replaced in 2016 by the Gillies Hill WI in remembrance of hamlets in the community which are now gone but not forgotten. The signs shown are fo
This collage represents the signs that were updated and replaced in 2016 …
Adamsville WI Hall Adamsville Women's Institute was organized in 1934 and disbanded in 2012. The Community Hall was the former one-room school (S.S. #3, Albemarle Township, Bruce County) until 1967 w
Adamsville WI Hall Adamsville Women's Institute was organized in 1934 and disbanded …
The Tillsonburg News, 27 Mar 1972 This is a newspaper clipping from The Tillsonburg News, March 27, 1972. It details the project to move and renovate a schoolhouse into the Cornell Community Hall. There is a photograph of the front o
The Tillsonburg News, 27 Mar 1972 This is a newspaper clipping from The Tillsonburg News, March 27, 1972. …
Usbourne Central School Bell November 8, 1976 Wincheslea School Bell was erected at Usbourne Central School. Cost of Bell shared by Student Council of Usbourne Elmville, Hurondale, and Kirkton Womens
Usbourne Central School Bell November 8, 1976 Wincheslea School Bell was erected …
The Kincardine Independent, March 1976 Kincardine Hospital as it first appeared then some 50 years later as Kincardine and District Hospital. It is now of South Bruce Grey Health Services. Pictures taken from Tweedsmuir History.
The Kincardine Independent, March 1976 Kincardine Hospital as it first appeared then some 50 years later as …
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